Back surgery


New member
I am a few weeks out from having back fusion surgery and wanted to hear from anyone who's been thru something similar. I have had many injuries and several surgeries and came thru all of them very well. But this is a different ball game. Just want to know what to expect. Will I be able to squat ever again?
Hope all goes well! My 56 yr old brother is having it done tomorrow . He doesn't lift anything but pencils but will tell you how it goes and how much he's in pain etc.. How did you do that to your back?
I've had 3 back surgeries, I have 2 level fusion with rods and screws still in me. The answer to your squat question is, only you will know. I personally do the squat machine and have done as much as 700lbs for a few reps and I go all the way down, non of this half shit. I would not even try regular squats, but Im 50 years old too. So forget about the ego and get the surgery, do the rehab and listen to your Doctor,I mean I think the Doctors had to go to school or something like a home study course, right. Use test during the recovery and your surgical wound will heal faster. I was good to go at 4 months using test last time, without it it was like 9 months, big difference. Good luck to you, see if you can get to a pool to, pool exercise will be good for you in the beginning.
A good friend of mine had a fusion in the late 90's and it didn't slow him down in the least. The guy is a beast in every sense of the word. I think it's ALL about attitude.
Good to hear these comments. I am 54 years old and have competed in BB since 1980. The last show I did was in 2010. What has happened to me was the repetitive actions of all the squats and dead lifts. I competed in a few powerlifting meets in the late 80's. my PB's were 440 bench 620 squat and 700 dead. This was a sanctioned meet. The CT Scan showed so much damage I can't begin to explain the specifics. I have been out of work for 2 months now and will be out a lot more after the surgery. My wife has been very good to me and has helped me cope with the depression of it all. At times I feel beaten and that life as I know it is over. Victory belongs to those that persevere, right?
Mine isnt scheduled yet but i just seen my doc 2 weeks ago, we spoke about the fusion surgery and he said i would be able to be as active as i am now, or atleast like i was before my neck/back cut out on me,lol, best of luck to you bro.
Hope you heal well Gaspari.. Brother had his today and is home in pain but supposedly all went well. You will prevail as stated bro..
Hope you heal well Gaspari.. Brother had his today and is home in pain but supposedly all went well. You will prevail as stated bro..

what exactly did your brither have done, and how is he doing pain wise now
what exactly did your brither have done, and how is he doing pain wise now

Well my brother not brither had disc trimmed or some laproscopic operation on lower back and seems to be able to stand and laydown but not sit so far.. Gonna be great to see him doing work out of a lazy boy recliner similar to you.
damn brutha! thats a lot of hardware you have in your back! How are ya doing overall brutha?
I'm doing extremely well. Have to be careful on what I do. Been training reall hard and want to get back to where I was. I want to step on stage again. Presently, I am happy on having the surgery.