Clen, divided doses or all at once?

Chemical Evolution said:
There really isent any reason for that since clen has a very long half life!

Really, teach me something, damn. I took them all at once one time and felt like crap. I was always told to seperate. I guess i can learn something new everyday. :)
uuum I have been runnig clen 2wks on 2wks off for a few months now and unless you are crazy I say divide your doese up 1 pill every 2 to 3 hours
yea you upped it too fast... you should go up 20mcg everyday until you start feeling jittery, and for the following day u should lower it by 20mcg and stay at that for the duration of the 2 weeks on.
Chemical Evolution said:
There really isent any reason for that since clen has a very long half life!

I always thought the same thing but I felt a lot less jittery when I divided the dose.
I learned the hard way to divide them as my heart rate was through the roof and I threw up as a result.
Chemical Evolution said:
There really isent any reason for that since clen has a very long half life!
There is some truth to this but...

Even though it's half life is as long as it is..
You still want to divide it up.. The initial spike will have some people shaking in their boots..
Me being one of them