MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Ok thank you, do I need to take anything with the clenbuterol? also what do I do when I hit the max dosage on say for eg the 9th day? do I continue on the max until the end of the 2 weeks and then start again at 40 after my 2 week rest? Please bare in mind ive never taken this type of stuff before and im not schwarzeneggers like you lotx
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ok just got your message presser, I shall write a new thread x
Yes with clen supplement potassium and taurine. This will help with any muscle cramps. I remember when I would turn my head to far or stretch to reach something I would get a really bad cramp! So I highly recommend supplementing these. Yes when you hit max dose just maintain until the 14th day. ON the next two week cycle you should be able to ramp up quicker, however still start low the first couple days to avoid bad sides. Everyone has a different body and sides will vary among people. Sides I would get is shaky hands and random muscle cramps. The shakes would go away after the first few days of the cycle for me however.