Couple Starter Photos of "Presser"

alright. about damn time! Looking huge bro. Can even tell you have some good calves for a tall guy as well. IF you got to 300lbs, do you think you would ever compete again?
Holy shit Presser, compared to the speedo pick, you look freakishly MASSIVE!!!!! Your delts are like bowlingballs!!!!
Thats an awesome pic of someone, but who is it? Just kidding. First thing I thought was your shoulders look crazy big. Congrats. How goes the knee these days?
Son of a bitch you're lean.

Lets see those panties pics and no stuffing is aloud
alright. about damn time! Looking huge bro. Can even tell you have some good calves for a tall guy as well. IF you got to 300lbs, do you think you would ever compete again?

bro competing again all depends on my knees and if i can continue to squat and get my legs back to where they use to be as they use to be my best body part hands down, and i just got synvisc shots in the right knee and im squatting again, so it all depends on whther i can bring them back to where they needs to be, they aint bad by no means, but im not stepping on stage unless i know and feel like i have a shot at winning the whole show, im not one to just compete to say I did it,
Holy shit Presser, compared to the speedo pick, you look freakishly MASSIVE!!!!! Your delts are like bowlingballs!!!!

bro if you go into the journals forum, u can read that this speedo pic was part of an IGF journal, I wasnt on anything and just taking IGF and wanted to keep a journal of my progreess in dieiting with no gear and just using igf-1. SO I was only i think 255lbs in that pic, everyone says i look skinny in that avatar when they see it,lol, but i like that pic,lol, what can i say,lol
WOW!!!! At 255, that is leeeeean, you look just over 200!!!! Your transformation from that pic is amazing! HUGE difference!!
Son of a bitch you're lean.

Lets see those panties pics and no stuffing is aloud

I knew NAIR would wanna see big P in his thong, th-thong-thong-thongggg!

You just have to add that extra .5 inches, don't you? LOL. Shorties like me and your wife are the ones who need all the extra height we can get. You have enough... stop frontin'! LOL

Jon and I get enough looks when we go out. I can imagine what you and SpanishFly must go through with all your rippedness and shizzle. Good luck with the cycle!!
I knew NAIR would wanna see big P in his thong, th-thong-thong-thongggg!

You just have to add that extra .5 inches, don't you? LOL. Shorties like me and your wife are the ones who need all the extra height we can get. You have enough... stop frontin'! LOL

Jon and I get enough looks when we go out. I can imagine what you and SpanishFly must go through with all your rippedness and shizzle. Good luck with the cycle!!

Yeah My shizzle brings me so much attention,lol, seriously what the fuck is "Shizzle" sorry im not up on cool talk these days,lol
sweet jesus press, you FREAKIN HUGE!!! and your one week in ?
im about to give up, lol

looking awesome though man, cnt wait to see some progress pics
sweet jesus press, you FREAKIN HUGE!!! and your one week in ?
im about to give up, lol

looking awesome though man, cnt wait to see some progress pics

Oh stop it you have me blushing like a little girl over here,lmao.

Thnx Jonny boy!

also I just pmed "Steph" not sure if she talked to u about it yet, but lemme know what she thinks
He eats like 300 g's of carbs just before the gym lol, I dont even eat that many carbs a day right now haha.
What is your diet like ?

I eat junk, but i just dont eat much, just usualy one solid meal a day which is sometimes garbage food, and then a couple shakes here and there, i dont eat thats my major problem, i cant eat, its crazy but my wife litterly eats more then i do and that is no exageration!! I think i would be massive if i could eat 4-5 times daily, but i just cant anymore, one meal and then shakes here and there is best i can muster up,lol
are you fucking serious? 280 and you cant eat?? wtf??

anyways, you look great!!

dude, seriously. You have to loose the clothes for the pics.....