Couple Starter Photos of "Presser"

dude, everyone wants to oogle your shiznit son!

Give the public what it wants!!
Ok I will be taking some more pics shortly and posting them in this thread for comparison, I feel like im leaner and definatly ready for more updated pics.

My legs are also coming along nice since i got back into squatting again as my knee is holding up quite well from the synvisc shots as well as from slowly building the leg Muscle back up slowly it finaly stabalized my knee where i can now squat heavier free of pain however i am still on the smith machine squat but very happy where my legs are atleast compared to how bad they were for the longest time, for those who dont know i need total knee replacements but not ready to go under the knife just yet so i took the slow and steady approach to building the muscles up around my knee and some days i dont even know i have any knee issues so it worked out well

Anyways sorry for the rant but wanted to update this thread and seeing it bumped i know i will get new pictures up this week or early next week for sure.
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my girl would kill me if i get that big she thinks im killing myself but im trying anyway
CUZ I am a Lazy F@#K when it comes to reading whole threads like this because they drain the life out of me.. but I got questions that have most certainly been answered:

1. Compounds? Amounts? Next Phase?

2. Goal? Competing? or Just wanna be a HUGE MOTHERFCUKER (Which you have accomplished BTW bro.. hahaha)

3. I did see the Knee Replacement thing.. I am glad that you were able to build up the muscle around that area but have you gave any thought to a protocol know to regenerate collagen(connective tissue), ligaments, tendons?? yes there is a specific protocol that has been proven to work.. AND I Guinea Pig'ed it on myself. I also suffered from a lot of knee issues from my Motorcycle accident and have 4 surgeries.. Could barely EVER do legs.. heck I could barely run .. walking was OK.. Biking was decent.. anyways.. someone *JUST LIKE I AM DOING TO YOU NOW* Clued me in on a 3 month easy regimen to repair... bro.. 7 weeks IN and I was Running again.. 11 weeks in and I did a Marathon for Breast Cancer (my wife is a survivor)... and NOW.. a Year since I did a 6 month protocol of it I feel 100%. I am Squatting Heavy (staying from heavy leg ext. and leg curls because THOSE DEMOLISH THE KNEE JOINT.. But lightweight High Rep gives a SICK PUMP..... Anyways just say YES if you want me to post the protocol I followed which was passed down to me...

4. Man You a Fucking BIG DUDE !!
Damn its almost been a year since i posted these and defiantly no more new ones on the way as i have been hitting the gym but clean as a whistle. Trying to have a baby with the wife. Anyways just wanted to bump my last pics and maybe get some motivation

Its tough trying to hit it hard and get my seeds swimming again,lol
Actualy come to think of it I will get new pics taken tonight and post them, fuck it, but remember im not on ANYTHING AT ALL AND HAVENT BEEN FOR A WHILE
Actualy come to think of it I will get new pics taken tonight and post them, fuck it, but remember im not on ANYTHING AT ALL AND HAVENT BEEN FOR A WHILE

Dont worry Im juiced to the gills right now and one week out, and still worry about how im going to look in pics. lol :uhoh:
Press, you look like a jacked out Tim Mcgraw with that hat and 5:30 shadow going. No joke brother, your a tank, Love it man!
bro you got everybody hot and horny on here LMAO!

on my note: your one big dude bro, i cant tell you enough how much i hate being 5'9".
your blessed with the hiegth. cant wait to see what you look like at 300 lbs.
Press is as tall as me. Im not 280lbs. Press, thats a lot of fucking real estate bro. Im at 232lbs and tight. Having a hell of a time with legs. Im eating dirtier than ever to get the calories but still remain lean as hell. Not sure what the fuck. Anyway, you look awesome
bro you got everybody hot and horny on here LMAO!

on my note: your one big dude bro, i cant tell you enough how much i hate being 5'9".
your blessed with the hiegth. cant wait to see what you look like at 300 lbs.

I did get up to 305lbs and pictures werent happening as I looked like a fat face fucked,lol, and i sat at about 300lbs for a good while, and now im sitting at exactly 276lbs but those 25lbs of weight loss have me feeling skinny and weak.

And yes I have some pics to post tonight but again clean pics as i havent done shit in a long while
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I did get up to 305lbs and pictures werent happening as I looked like a fat face fucked,lol, and i sat at about 300lbs for a good while, and now im sitting at exactly 276lbs but those 25lbs of weight loss have me feeling skinny and weak.

And yes I have some pics to post tonight but again clean pics as i havent done shit in a long while

hey don't feel bad I lost 10lbs after I got cut and haven't been to the gym in almost a month-feel and look skinny

girlfriend says I look better though-especially in the face