Cycle is going great in week 6


New member
Just came back from my HRT appointment. Testosterone is over 1500 (I wish they gave the exact number, but they don't). Body weight is up by 15 lbs, but body fat is down, the doctor said that I actually looked like I lost weight. My estriodiol is up to 43 and the normal range stops at 42. I am working out five days a week and taking weekends off, my appetite is through the roof, but the full feeling goes away in about an hour regardless of how much I eat. The only bad news is that the doctor wants to cut my test back from 1ml to .08ml. I have to go back in three months and I don't know if I should cut back to make my numbers drop or just stay on, because the test result only indicate 1500>. I am currently using 1ml/200mg of Cyp a week along with 1ml/350mg Sust. a week and 1.5ml/375mg of deca per week. The cyp is pharmacy and the others are Kalpa. I forgot to mention, my last physical was 3 mo. ago and my test was at 1175.
Just came back from my HRT appointment. Testosterone is over 1500 (I wish they gave the exact number, but they don't). Body weight is up by 15 lbs, but body fat is down, the doctor said that I actually looked like I lost weight. My estriodiol is up to 43 and the normal range stops at 42. I am working out five days a week and taking weekends off, my appetite is through the roof, but the full feeling goes away in about an hour regardless of how much I eat. The only bad news is that the doctor wants to cut my test back from 1ml to .08ml. I have to go back in three months and I don't know if I should cut back to make my numbers drop or just stay on, because the test result only indicate 1500>. I am currently using 1ml/200mg of Cyp a week along with 1ml/350mg Sust. a week and 1.5ml/375mg of deca per week. The cyp is pharmacy and the others are Kalpa. I forgot to mention, my last physical was 3 mo. ago and my test was at 1175.

Thats great bro! Anytime you gain 15lbs and people tell ya that it looks like you lost weight , is a good thing!!! do you have any before and after pics?
I'd stick with what you're doing as long as your aren't worried about the doc cutting you off
I know alot of people would do a little less a few weeks before their next appt in that situation...
for sure! You might wanna ask or pm MMX the Site Admin here, he knows a lot about HRT as far as I know brutha, he can prolly let ya know when is an optimal time to start cutting back ect...
Thx. One screw up I made, was not taking any before photos, I simply did not think that the juice would have that strong of an effect on me. The doc wants to see me in another 3 mos. (probably because of the test and estriodiol jump) that would mean blood work around 07/10. Anyone have any suggestions about when to cut back?
Thx. One screw up I made, was not taking any before photos, I simply did not think that the juice would have that strong of an effect on me. The doc wants to see me in another 3 mos. (probably because of the test and estriodiol jump) that would mean blood work around 07/10. Anyone have any suggestions about when to cut back?

I would say maybe 4-5 weeks out from ur next appointment considering ur using cypionate, but i could be wrong and would guess if i was wrong that it was not long enough of time and you would need to cut back even sooner