Cycle Progress and Review

I just finished up an 18 week cycle and wanted to share my progress. Overall very pleased with this cycle as each one has been a new learning experience. My last cycle only ran 12 weeks where I was still making gains, so I decided to run this one a bit longer.

I ran -
weeks 1 and 2 : sust 250 (organon) after 3 injections couldn't take the pain I thought I had an abscess in my thigh and will never use that stuff again

weeks 2- 18 : test cyp (pharma grade) 500 mg/ week

weeks 1-8 : d Bol (euro pharmacies) 50 mg / daily - although I started with this, I took a few weeks off until the deca I ordered came in so I could take them together. Felt really strong with this stuff and gained 10 pounds of water the first week.

Weeks 5-13 : deca (pct-shop) 300 mg / week- this is great stuff and will be my bread and butter going forward. I initially got this to help with shoulder pain and tendinitis in my elbows, and after 4 weeks, upped my dosage to 400 mg/ week. Joints felt great and added thickness and density to my muscles. Did not experience any bad sides (ie. deca dick)

weeks 14-18 : winstrol (euro pharmacies) 50 mg/ daily - didn't notice a huge difference with this but slight increase in vascularity and felt really strong, and continued to lift heavy with it. Was worried about having joint pain but did not experience any.

the cycle itself may look confusing, but it made sense in my head ha ha. Next time will start with test, deca throughout, running dbol in the beginning and whinny at the end. And no sust for me!

beginning weight - 186 with 13% bf
ending weight - 196 with 12% bf
gain of 10 pounds of muscle while losing bodyfat

gain of 1 inch on arms
no other measurements done, but I definitely added size to my lats and shoulders.
no increase to my max lifts

Side effects : the only sides I experienced were heartburn the entire cycle. I went through tums like water.
Blood work : I had bloodwork done half way through cycle and everything was in the normal range except for my test levels which was >1600


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Thanks guys. I am pretty happy with the results. Already looking forward to my next one. Ive heard the rule equal time on = equal time off, but lets be honest. Im not going to do that. As long as my bloodwork looks good, I may start back in as few as 6-8 weeks. Aside from letting my receptors clear out and letting my prostrate shrink back to normal, what would any benefit be to waiting longer? Im 42 btw, so want to keep those gains going while I can.
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Thanks guys. I am pretty happy with the results. Already looking forward to my next one. Ive heard the rule equal time on = equal time off, but lets be honest. Im not going to do that. As long as my bloodwork looks good, I may start back in as few as 6-8 weeks. Aside from letting my receptors clear out and letting my prostrate shrink back to normal, what would any benefit be to waiting longer? Im 42 btw, so want to keep those gains going while I can.
I gotta admit I'm in agreement.
Aside from letting my receptors clear out and letting my prostrate shrink back to normal

FYI on this point: according to my urologist, who is the guy prescribing my TRT, prostate growth does not reverse, unlike other side effects. What gains your prostate makes, it keeps. According to him, the side effect I notice regarding my prostate is how strong my "stream" is, which improves when I let my test level drop down into the middle of the "normal" range, is the result of the prostate actively growing, not necessarily its size.

I sort of question this, but have no data to argue against it. It doesn't make sense to me, but like I said, I certainly can't prove him (the urologist) wrong.

Great gains, though, don't want to diminish any of that!
FYI on this point: according to my urologist, who is the guy prescribing my TRT, prostate growth does not reverse, unlike other side effects. What gains your prostate makes, it keeps. According to him, the side effect I notice regarding my prostate is how strong my "stream" is, which improves when I let my test level drop down into the middle of the "normal" range, is the result of the prostate actively growing, not necessarily its size.

I sort of question this, but have no data to argue against it. It doesn't make sense to me, but like I said, I certainly can't prove him (the urologist) wrong.

Great gains, though, don't want to diminish any of that!


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Thanks guys. I am pretty happy with the results. Already looking forward to my next one. Ive heard the rule equal time on = equal time off, but lets be honest. Im not going to do that. As long as my bloodwork looks good, I may start back in as few as 6-8 weeks. Aside from letting my receptors clear out and letting my prostrate shrink back to normal, what would any benefit be to waiting longer? Im 42 btw, so want to keep those gains going while I can.

Do you know what your gonna run?
aright brother... i mean this with no disrespect in mind

i see a few red flags with the way you set up your cycle...

given that you were running dbol and deca (not to say that compounds dictate goals) was it your goal to just gain 10lbs and lose 1% bodyfat??

how did you get your bodyfat measured??

if bulking wasn't the goal, what was??

what did your diet look like on this cycle?? what did it look like in pct??? how about after pct?