death from steroids?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Guys anybody know of any documented deaths that have been linked specifically to steroid use. Keep in mind use not abuse cause i have never seen one without someone doing somethin not rational no aspirate, etc. Reason for this got into a huge argument with a few people about this none of them know except my bros that i use gear and 2 of them do as well. They are just not as knowledgeble about stuff as i am so they basically just backed me up with what i said. I dont know im just in a shitty mood now bunch of stupid bitches and other douchebag guys sayin steroids kill people all the time roid rage kills people in cars and murders and shit and i just finally had to leave. Do you guys get pissed like this when peopld dont know know the hell they are talkin about and contradict things like gear. sorry had to vent a little and see what you bros thought of it.
Abuse kills people, if you take enough or anything it will kill ya, The whole steroids kill bullshit is just that....bullshit
I have never heard of any, one on the news a couple years back, but not exactly sure what tha story was, mom just told me about it, lol, no telling what else he was doing. There is a show coming on MTV this thursday called true life, im taken steriods, somethin like that, so ill be sure to watch that, and it says some guy dies over it so...
thank you press and god damn this all started with the freakin mtv true life commercial came on. hahaha damn mtv aint good for nothin.
yeah sorry worm i must have posted that when you were typing haha yeah thats what this hole thing was over.
There have been a couple of deaths from steroid shock, injecting large amounts into a major vein, this is why aspirating is a very good idea. Insulin and diuretics have been directly linked to deaths but as far as I know steroids have never been a direct cause of death.
yeah thats what i was sayin fine without a mistake or stupidity of the user ive never heard of anything
I know of no documented cases where steroids were the cause of death. People try to attribute steroids to a few cases, such as Lyle Alzado for example, though it was still an indirect link. Authorities studying the case later said steroids were not the cause of his death directly or indirectly.
I have never heard of any steriod deaths directly linked to their administration. If you talk prolonged abuse and long term who knows. The truth will probably never be told because unless it is an epidemic, or deamed so I do not see any major studies gathering case facts. There are some true, partly true and absurd things people say to scare you off and that is what most people associate them with.
i think there are side effects that are caused by steroids that MAY lead to death. Like kidney, heart and liver damage but abuse would be a big role in this. I am sure there are those couple of few unlucky people who may have this happened to them without abuse. But i have yet to hear about it. Just to claer things up, presser said too much of anything will kill. That is true execpt for jerking off. Yes, you will not die if you jerk off alot. I have a friend who has been jerking off ALOT since he was a kid and Im I mean he is as healthy as you and I.... :D
I wound up in the hospital from chronic masterbation. Trust me...It's very painful. I nearly lost my hand. LMAO :D

Seriously though...I've never heard of anyone dying directly from steroids. I do believe people have died from heart or other organ complications from the repeated long duration of use/abuse of steroids. Heart attacks, liver disease, or kidney problems, but most had underlying conditions or a genetic predisposition for these problems. In which case they should have been getting their blood tests and health examines, but in many cases they did not until it was too late.
Sure roids can cause damage, but as stated above so can everything else. How about McDonalds? I GARUNTEE McyDee's has but more people 6 feet deep than any gear or BB lifestyle... :mad:
this is just another way they can scare the public so they can justify blowing our tax dollars on bulshit raids-fuck crack or herion, steriods will kill you or make you into a raging lunatic
look what it did to David Banner
Are any of you natural builders? I am a natural...with my job and future career...I'd be screwed to be anything else but natural. Random drug tests. :crap:
angelblue said:
Are any of you natural builders? I am a natural...with my job and future career...I'd be screwed to be anything else but natural. Random drug tests. :crap:

there are some nattys here Im sure.

But AAS use doesnt show up in regular drug tests. So you would be clear either way, unless you are a competing athlete.