Do you take periodic weeks off?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I just went into the gym for the first time today in a whole week. I actually made sure not to push it 100% as well. I took a week off from lifting, cardio, and my keto diet. I introduced about 20-30g of clean carbs at every meal and ended up gaining 16lbs over the time off. I'm waaay fuller, but I could tell I'm holding a good deal of water. Oh and did I mention I started Syntrop's PFP2fifty :D Haha, I'm sure that had a majority to do with the weight gain. I'm pinning a ml a day, so we'll see where this takes me. I've been off since Jan. or Feb.

Nonetheless, do you guys ever make great gains on your weeks off, and when do you take em?
Yeah, I really believe in taking a week off here and there..when needed...I do this if my overtrained, or just working to much, ect, ect...

You can really make some crazy gains by just resting...Yes, its true...Alot of guys, get into that I gotta train to grow or im going to get small...but honestly you need to take days off here and there...that is how you eating, training hard, and then letting your body rest
Yeah, I take a week off now and then. Sometimes my weight will go up a couple pounds, sometimes it stays the same. But as long as I eat right, hardly ever does it drop. Rest is important.
My coach/trainer likes for me to take a week off every 8 weeks. I do nothing but light cardio during this week. I hate to take it off but it is important for gains. And, I don't feel right if I am not sore.

I am now 20 weeks in without a week off so I will take a week off soon.
I try to, but sometimes I push too much for too long. Since I switched my training to more volume Im only training 1 day on 2 days off and its treating me well.
I try to, but sometimes I push too much for too long. Since I switched my training to more volume Im only training 1 day on 2 days off and its treating me well.

It's funny, I'd like to get a schedule like that going, but I think it ends up taking more discipline to stay out of the gym for me.
First, no, I've never gained a single pound from taking time off--I'm very jelous of you fuckers who do.

Second, if I take a week off, I feel as if I don't want to go back.
It's funny, I'd like to get a schedule like that going, but I think it ends up taking more discipline to stay out of the gym for me.

It is extremely difficult, especially since I'm not even working!! I'm on injured leave due to my knee injury!! I pretty much eat and sleep all day, but I don't have much of an appetite b/c I'm bored out of my skull!
First, no, I've never gained a single pound from taking time off--I'm very jelous of you fuckers who do.

Second, if I take a week off, I feel as if I don't want to go back.
yup! Especially when its hot out, and the beach is calling
Every 9-10 weeks I take a week off from training completely, no cardio or anything and I also go on a eating craze and eat all the garbage I can stand. Man I love that week!!!!
I take a couple a year, usually on vacation. I will also take one if I feel burned out from overtraining. I suck at taking enough rest even if Im sick.