Ever heard, " I don't have enough time to workout".


How many times have you heard this. Some days I lift at 4am If I am busy, just to get the bodypart in. If I hear people say this and they frequently do I tell them, "everybody gets the same 24 hours". I mean like I don't get 30 hours and you 24 . Just excuses people have, and lots of them but what they don't have is results. So next time you hear this, I don't have enough time tell them, everyone gets the same 24 hours.
Wow. I'm extremely impressed. I have a problem getting all the parts in and If I sacrifice a part, its usually one of my best ones so I dont miss a lagging part. I am jealous of the people that can get up early to lift. My hats off to you. That is either extreme dedication at 4am or your genetically a morning person. You certaintly have me thinking??? I work three 12hr shofts per week so I have 4 days to workout and I have tried getting-up on one of the 12hr days to lift but cant seem to do it. Do you mind me askin what time do you go to bed???
Im in bed early 8pm if Im going to lift at 4am. I have to get up at 3 ,it takes me an hour to get ready/wake up.
Im in bed early 8pm if Im going to lift at 4am. I have to get up at 3 ,it takes me an hour to get ready/wake up.

lol, im usually in bed by 7, up at 3, gym by 3:30, out by 5 work by 6, work till 4:30 5 days a week, till 2:30 on Saturdays, if people say they dont have time they are just making an excuse to be lazy. About 2 weeks ago we got put on 12s, 6-6:30 mon thru fri and i didnt miss a day, its all about what you want outta life baby, O, and I hate getting outta bed so If i can do it anyone can:bench:
i worked 6 12hr shifts a week 7 to 7, one week days then one week nights for 3 years and went from 180lbs to 230 or so. Anyone can do it if you want it bad enough
i work 40+ full time school and work out they can find time if they want, shit i fit two workout in a 50 minute period every week.
WOW. Since I found this site, most people know Ive been going thru a nasty divorce with kids and the guys here have already brought my game up 1000%. Now I must say, you guys are seriously dedicated. Its extremely difficult for me to get every bodypart each week, I manage to get them in but usually one part gets a quicky. Since supllementing, i feel the need to hit the parts every 5th or 6th day bc recovery is better and Im having a hard time with it. I will bring it up a notch since this thread. You guys are going to make a monster out of me. Next month will be one year since Ive been hitting it hard. I promise to give progress pics. You guys rock. Actually I might start a thread, I would love to know how often you guys are hitting each part if using supplements
Hear it all the time. I am busy as hell. Work, kids, coaching, marriage. I find the time which usually means getting less sleep. My kids
come first so if I miss a workout here and there I just try to catch a xtra one that week. If not I dont beat myself up about it. We are
in it for the long haul but still have to have our priorities.
I can't stand that excuse... if you don't have time, you make it. That's just something people say when they're too lazy to make fitness a priority.
No matter what it is in life, if you truly want to do, you will find the time. I know people that tell me they know they need to workout but can't find the time, yet they can tell you about every new TV show or movie that comes out. It's all about priorities.
Yea, excuses like this piss me off. I don't care if you only have 15 minutes, get your ass in the gym and do something. You can get a circuit style session in really fast and quick. It's not going to be the most productive training session, but at least you're going in there and hitting it. Something is almost always better than nothing. It's not really that hard to find 30 minutes a day. It's really only like 2% of your day. It's funny how 2% is looked at in so many ways. You can 2 cents back on a transaction and throw it to the side because it doesn't matter to you, but 2% in terms of your day all of a sudden is hard to come by, really? Come on, people are just lazy.