fake gear


New member
What do you guys do if your, say a few weeks into a cycle and you start suspecting that your gear is bunk?

your not growing or getting any symptoms of being "on" do you just throw out your gear or keep jabbing for a few more weeks ? or what?
what UG labs are you messing with...your in aussie land right...should all be vet grade there, and real
this just happened to me. I just didnt plan very well, actually, very retarded of me... Though i had an extra bottle of tren lying around.


Just take it and hope for the best.
What do you guys do if your, say a few weeks into a cycle and you start suspecting that your gear is bunk?

your not growing or getting any symptoms of being "on" do you just throw out your gear or keep jabbing for a few more weeks ? or what?

Is it from a lab you've used before? What compounds are you running, and have you used them before and at similar doses?
You could get your blood work done..... have your serum test levels checked. If there normal or low then you'll definately know its bunk stuff...
I was using eurochem's sustaject.. I posted pics of the vials some time ago. They looked legit but after the first 10mls I pretty much stayed the same. I was using 0.5ml eod.
w sus u should def gain around 15 pounds, so if u were eating and working out good and didnt, bunk
with sause you start feeling it right away to, do to the prop. i just started a cycle with sauce and the next day you should start noticing your sex drive increase.