how many sets per muscle

how many sets can you do without overtraining

  • 3

    Votes: 14 13.9%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 29 28.7%
  • 6-7

    Votes: 15 14.9%
  • 8-9

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • 10-12

    Votes: 21 20.8%
  • 13+

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters


New member
if i do too many sets per muscle, then i get overtrained, smaller, and sick. so how many sets per muscle do you do. i cant do more than three or four per muscle.
I have always done best with more sets, more reps, more time in the gym. I grow like crazy and get very hard when I push myself beyond all limits. I don't seem to get much out of low sets, low reps. But thats just me.
who the fuck voted for 13 sets per muscle group, lmao, funny fuckers
2 people said 13+, lmao.

Anyway, I was the one who voted 4-5. Because you said without overtraining. Anything more than 4-5 sets in my opinion is overkill. Though I rarely go above three.
I do like 12-15per muscle 1 time per week split between 3-5 different exercises... So you guys view this as overtraining? Just curious on your opinion. Seems u are laughing at this method but it has brought me from 165-243. So you guys go in the gym and do like 4 sets for chest and are done??? Then I'd be willing to bet u are doing more of a powerlifting exercise and hit the muscle 3 times per week right? if so this nets the same amount of work as what i do... someone please explain...
now another wich makes 3,lol, man we have some funny fuckers or folks mistaken sets for reps,lol, or hemen!
bigjosh said:
I do like 12-15per muscle 1 time per week split between 3-5 different exercises... So you guys view this as overtraining? Just curious on your opinion. Seems u are laughing at this method but it has brought me from 165-243... explain please...

sets or reps bro?
3-5 sets is cool, but the poll asks how many sets per muscle and some folks put 13,lol, i think they misunderstood
I DO do about 12-15 sets per muscle but one time per week. This method seriously tears down the muscle, but it has a full week to grow before I tear it down again.

If you only do 3-4 sets i would be willing to bet you work the muscle out about 3 times per week, thus netting the same amount of sets per week.

My method has brought me very far, but u seem to find it humorous...

Please explain...
I stick to only 3 to 5 sets depending on what muscle group. Though there has been days when I just kept on going cause I was so energized.
My understanding of the questions was how many sets per exercise per muscle group, maybe im way off,lol, but if i did 13 sets on a muscle per exercise i would die, or that bodypart would fall off, lmao, but anyhow bro im not one to laugh at anyone ......usualy,lol:p
How can you do 12 to 15 sets or exercises per muscle. I want some of what ever you've been eating. Cause wheaties just aint doing the trick for me. lol
tool said:
How can you do 12 to 15 sets or exercises per muscle. I want some of what ever you've been eating. Cause wheaties just aint doing the trick for me. lol

lmao, shit lucky charm marshmellodrols wouldnt help ,lol