How often do people ask you or friends if you take steroids?

i get asked all the time, especially during bulking. about two weeks in to the current cycle, the secretary at work asked me..."so, (properly pumped) do you work out OR use steroids"?. i figured that it was pointless to go into an explanation to her so i just said no. would i walk up to her skinny ass and say, "are you o.k., you're very skinny"?. no. that's just fucking rude. i figure if a person is not someone who you know well, they have no f'ing business asking you in the first place.
i only get asked when i'm at the gym...usually when i'm doing leg day...that's when the shit hits the fan and i go balls out! i think people also equate intensity and attitude at the gym with being a juicer...when i step into the weight room my game face switches and i am totally people think, "oh, he's raging man, he must be a saucebag" they're right, but i don't act that way outside the's just a game face like any other sport...
5'7" 215lbs.
bigshug said:
No one asks me if I'm on steroids.....most of them ask if I'd ever consider getting into the gym to get myself in shape, or they ask if I have just gotten over some debilitating sickness

ROFLOL!!! Bro, you're too funny!
Seems like I'm getting asked more and more. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's direct. Sometimes they ask my wife. Talk about wanting to start trouble! Those people suck.
LA said:
Seems like I'm getting asked more and more. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes it's direct. Sometimes they ask my wife. Talk about wanting to start trouble! Those people suck.

Yeah, its shitty enough having to lie to my friends about this, but I don't want people to look at me differently or think the my dedication is less than there's or I'm cheating. I put in more effort than anyone of my friends and I don't want it to be discounted due to the fact that I take AS. Its not a magic pill, it doesn't make you huge over night...its just a catalyst for the dedication and effort you put into improving your body.

It bugs me more when my friends say stuff...random people or friends of my friends I take it more as a compliment. Usually women ask my friends (which they promptly say no. lol) that's cool I guess.
People at the Gym feel they just know. So they don't ask me.
Friends don't think I do, They think I'm a crazy Freak.
When I go to the wifes Gym (which is not too often) is when they ask her after I'm gone.
I don't really get asked a lot, I think a lot of people see how clean I eat and how much I eat, etc. and think it is a lot of hard work which it is.

Some of my friends are suspecious though.
the girl in the deli asked me this morning in front of a store full of people... " do you do steroids your getting huge and I know steroids really work I saw a special on TV about them" I was in a T shirt not tight I wear baggy clothes except for working out.. I told her little guys do steroids LOL not big guys (no offence to little guys )... But I got on the scale am up another 10lbs 6'2" 275lbs thanks to 100mg a bombs and 500mg sydgroup test cyp.... I find I dont need really high doses to grow.. the higher doses give me anxiety and shortness of breath.. highest cycle 1000 mg test e and 600mg eq with a 50mg d-bol jumpstart for 4 weeks... about 7 weeks into it I came off to let my system clear tom much anxiety. I figure my BF to be about 20% if I can ever figure out how to cut without losing mass I am gonna look good. Now just huge some defination but could use a few months of cutting . Even have some upper abs at this BF%
i'am not tha big of a guy 5"11 188Lbs
people usaly dont ask me till they see me squating five wheels after which the stare and some of the more social ones ask me if i'am "jucing".
funny thing is they always follow that off with" where can i get some of the sam stuff "
Most of my friends are 50 yrs + so unlike me ,they are not into bb or gear--they're just amazed of the 2 yr transformation my body has made--but when I see some younger guy on the beach or somewhere i can usally tell if he's on gear right away.