I am begging you all to please help me


Nothing wrong with houston, hot summers and nice cool weather during the winter and a booming city and I love it. As far as the whole situation with your girl it sounds tough but then again bro she loves you then she would try to say somthing such as hey what are we going to do? Not oh I am moving away and thats it....... She loves you bro and you love her then you two will work on it and be with eachother... As said bro you love as much as you say then just straight up tell her ass wtf is up, dont hold back bro because you live life onece so just dont hold back. As said bro bottom line if its love then you two will be with eachother, if not then oh well bro its gonna hurt but in a week or two and a rebound you will get over it. Best of luck bro!
da_Fonz said:
I've been to Houston and newsflash its NOT as bad. I have friends in Texas so i frquent a bunch of places. Trust me SAVANNAH is worse than Houston.

Elmonizzle, I wouldnt worry bout her getting hit on. I would say most of the women down here are hot as the weather and so she wont be any different. Nothing special just ordinary.

how the fuck can it get worse then 100% humidity......cuz there's many a days in houston where it reaches that level.......the gulf of mexico evaporates right into the hot air that you end up wearing in H'town.
WHat you girl needs is your support and trust. Be a man, suck it up amd support her in her endevour and that will impress the shit out of her
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support. It has helped alot. As far as us working it out its just not gonna happen. Keep in mind I live in California and she moves to Georgia. There is no chance of anyone visiting because of work and money and time. I will try to be her friend but if it hurts too much than I will tell her to forgive me but I cant talk to her anymore. The bottom line IMHO is that long distance relationships don't really work. I will just have to suck it up for the next month or so and hopefully I will get over it. We will just have to wait and see what God,destiny or luck will bring to my future life. thanks again all. I feel blessed having you all here.
Have you been to Savannah? I have been to both places.

But thats neither here or there, the post is bout his girl moving away to a plce where the job mrkt sux as well as the crime rate its WAY worse than in Atlanta and the a-town is pretty f'd up.

He needs to do whats best for him cause that what she is doing.
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To end my story Elmonizzle.
after all my bullshit about long distance relationships working i may be wrong. Last night i called my boyfriend and he told me that he cant talk cause hes on a date with some girl at his house watching a movie. I live four hours away and hes telling me hes watching a movie with some other chick. What the hell????
Turns out Halloween night when he said he was just going to the movies with his guy friend. They actually met up with two girls that his friend met off the internet. THey went to the movie and then some tunnel and then he obviously gave her his number. Cause last night she was sitting in his living room watching a movie with him and then hes driving her home. I think its absolutely ridiculous and im super hurt right now. i dont know how i can give you advice when all of a sudden my two and a half year relationship is thrown away for some girl he met a week ago. Sorry to tell you . but we lived four hours away and had a relationshp for two and a half years. You can never truly trust someone. You can truly never believe that they are telling you teh whole truth. I am so hurt and so upset that i have spent the whole night bawling my eyes out and puking cause i cant deal with this shit right now.
NEVER TRUST ANYONE. NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU KNOW THEM. I wore my heart not only on my sleeve but right in the smack middleof my forehead and i trusted him to protectit with all my heart and he didnt. He let me down and he doesnt even feel regreftul about it.
I hope things work out better with you :(
I hate to say this but long distance relationships dont work, your setting yourself up for heartbreak in the end.

The only person who i have ever been seriously involved with moved to Fl (5+hours) away from me when we both went to college.

We both though about the possibility of a long distance relationship but we both knew that in the end it would never work out since we would be apart to much to make it work. Ppl change and so do there feelings about the other.

We ar e great friends but thats it, we have both moved on. And thats my advice to you.
i learned the hard way that the more of yourself you give to a person, the more they can hurt you. if you give them a 100% of yourself, and they end it somehow what does that leave you with???? nothing bro, you're fucked. even though i really like this girl i've been dating, i still don't let her in more than i'm comfortable with. i've been dating her for like 5 or 6 months and she's pretty cool, but you never know. plus, there's still a lot of shit i want to do before i'm fully committed to someone.

Bro, the only advice I can give is move on. The sooner you start healing, the better. It's better to start healing now, and be done in a few months than to start in a few months and drag it out for a year.

From what you said, it sounds like she told you after she'd made the decision. The bottom line is, if she had the same feelings you do, you would have been instrumental in the decision making process. The fact that you were left out tells me all I need to know.

All you have to do is ask yourself how you would have handled the situation if put in her shoes. Would you have left her out? Would you have made the decision and dropped it on her? Would you no be feeling very sad about it? Those facts alone should tell you something.

I know it's tough, but there are other ladies out there. God will open another door. I would be very happy to share my story with you if you like.

Remember, the perfect girl for you, is the perfect girl for you, period. - Not the perfect girl, except she wants to move off and leave me. Or the perfect girl except _____. <--- Fill in the blank.
fitchick I am deeply sorry for what that idiot has done to you. I didn't want to say anything when you said he lived a few hours away. But, people who live in the same town cheat all the time. Can you imagine what they are doing when they know you are not around to watch? Long distance relashionships just means someone is going to be somebodys rebound. Besides even if she was faithful to me, where is this going to take us? NO WHERE! One thing I can tell you fitchick is when you are in your home alone. Have a big long cry, and scream or say outloud what you are feeling. Do this every time you feel like life is not worth anything anymore. I did that for the past 3 days and its been helping alot. As far as me moving with her? Only if I didn't have such a good job and if my family didn't need me as much as they do. One thing that I finally admitted to my self is that I am not one of her prioritys and that she does love me but not as much as I love her. Very painful to realize that since they tell you that you are the love of their life. Life is cruel and unfair and if you are not suffering than you are not living, I guess. Oh, and I didn't want to ask her why are you not crying? So I said, Im glad you are handeling it better than I am. She sais, "its not that I am handling it better, its just that I have soo many things to think about that i have to do overther.""You on the other hand don't have much to think and do here you have already stablished your life here" Which really pissed me off. Because Im very busy and I only get Sundays off. And just because you are busy does not mean you are not gonna suffer over the loss of someone you truly love. So in a way this has given me a different perspective on what she really thinks of me. Aint it a bitch how you can pour your heart out for someone and they can tell you all this shit and all of the sudden when its time to proof what they said. They gently give you the cold shoulder. :( :angry:
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ah-right bro, you got two choices:
1. Stay where youre at and move on with life...enjoy what you have while you have it. Focus on your goals at hand and know deep down that if it was meant to be then it will.
2. Pack your shit and catch grey hound or deltas next flight to the good ole south...not to mention my home town before following my "ex-fiancee" to a real little town in middle tennessee where the populations high points are barn raisings and painting fences. Try living in a town south of nashville, TN. and North of chattanooga...it cant get any worse...awe shit i let my emotions get the besat of me.

The point is if you go be prepared to stay and stick it out cause if you do go and things dont work out and you run back home your gonna spend the rest of your life running some where other than where you are at.
PS...Savannah isn't so bad I spent almost twenty years there and about 15 yrs in Atlanta...humidity sucks but hell, there are gonna be things youre not gonna like no matter where ever you go...follow your heart and you just might find that what you were looking for was right under your nose from the very begining.
sorry to here that! and i agree that you should never trust a person 100%! shit my best friend was f**King my wife. i trusted him and her, well now i will never trust another soul with my heart!!
i hope you feel better soon!!

fitchick said:
To end my story Elmonizzle.
after all my bullshit about long distance relationships working i may be wrong. Last night i called my boyfriend and he told me that he cant talk cause hes on a date with some girl at his house watching a movie. I live four hours away and hes telling me hes watching a movie with some other chick. What the hell????
Turns out Halloween night when he said he was just going to the movies with his guy friend. They actually met up with two girls that his friend met off the internet. THey went to the movie and then some tunnel and then he obviously gave her his number. Cause last night she was sitting in his living room watching a movie with him and then hes driving her home. I think its absolutely ridiculous and im super hurt right now. i dont know how i can give you advice when all of a sudden my two and a half year relationship is thrown away for some girl he met a week ago. Sorry to tell you . but we lived four hours away and had a relationshp for two and a half years. You can never truly trust someone. You can truly never believe that they are telling you teh whole truth. I am so hurt and so upset that i have spent the whole night bawling my eyes out and puking cause i cant deal with this shit right now.
NEVER TRUST ANYONE. NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU KNOW THEM. I wore my heart not only on my sleeve but right in the smack middleof my forehead and i trusted him to protectit with all my heart and he didnt. He let me down and he doesnt even feel regreftul about it.
I hope things work out better with you :(
sorry to hear that bro. Well its finally official, she called me last night and said that "the city was so gorgous" Damn it! she is just waiting to get hired so she can put a bid on a house. Its weird talking to her now. Its like there is some sort of anomosity (spelling?)between us and now there is an unconfortable silence which we have never had. Yep I can see this hitting down the shitter very soon. In the tip of a hat people will f^&*k you over with out a second thought. No, I wish you could come, I wish I would have never had to move, no tears, no sadness. If that shit is love than who the F*&^k needs it?:angry:
I just dont understand it Elmonizzle
If he didnt want to be with me then he should have had enough respect to pick up the phone and call me. It would have been alot easier hearing the truth from him than from his friend.
It just blows my mind that there is no regret. No remorse NOTHING. Its like hes numb and doesnt give a shit about anything but himself. He used to tell me that he loved me and wanted to get married and that i could always feel safe and secure with him cause i could always trust him and count on him. I just dont see how all that can just disappear without an ounce of remorse. BLOWS MY MIND!~
elmonizzle sounds like you've discovered a lot over the course of this thread.

BSWOLE hit it on the head. As you've now learned, if she felt the way you did then you would have been involved in the decision.

You said "No, I wish you could come, I wish I would have never had to move, no tears, no sadness. If that shit is love than who the F*&^k needs it?" ---That shit is not love and you need to learn how to recognize that. Many women and men dont know what love is or how to love, once you can recognize the way people treat other in true love then you will be less succeptible to deception by emtpy loving words. Love isnt words, its actions.

You can trust people even after people have broken your trust. Trust has to be earned, slowly over time. not just handed out. Just like in your career, the more the boss learns they can trust you to be responsible for, the more responsibility they will give you. And in most careers(theres always the exception) the more responsibility you have the more money you make.

6 months though is a short time where you are most likey still in that starry eyed stage with someone unable to tell if its love or infatuation, just that inital excitement we all have when we meet someone new that might be that "special someone" not till after those feelings leave and its on to building you lives together do you know if you love each other. Remember love is not selfish or self serving. in fact those are completely contradictory to love. Sounds like you loved her though. Guard your heart, let people earn trust before you become too invested in them.

The future holds someone better for you bro. Aim high, theres plenty of rich lonely ladies out there looking for a young stud to bring fun back into their lives! Take it slow and try not to become to enthralled with someone too quickly, and if she does that then i would worry too.
I'll be plain here so I can explain--I'm not taking sides, and I don't presume to know everything there is to know about relationships.

It is apparent from what was written that you loved her, but she probably didn't love you as much back. This can indeed be very painful. However, it is my belief that there is no "one and only one" person out there for any single person. There are a number of different girls out there that could be the one you marry (if that is what you intend to do) and settle down with. It is important that you move forward with your life and even forgive if necessary.

In my own experience (I've said before that my wife is from Brazil), my wife had finished school here and was waiting for her school visa to expire and go home to Brazil. Well, I happened to come along about six months before that. She definitely loved me and I loved her, but she could have decided that she would still go back to Brazil, and I would have had to start over again. I asked her to marry me two months before her visa was up. She loved me enough that she made the decision to stay here even though ALL of the rest of her family lives in Brazil. (It currently costs about $1200-1500 round trip for air travel per person to Brazil right now--we've been back to Brazil only twice in the 5 1/2 years we've been married, charged on credit cards.) Everything worked out, and all the paperwork was done just in time. We were married two weeks before her visa expired.

What I have to point out is that we made a commitment to each other (and I'm not implying that anyone here has not done that), and committing to each other is more than just being married. (Though one may think just living together can be a symbol of commitment, it isn't. Either one can leave at any time in that scenario.) True commitment means that you would do anything for that person, defend them, and most of all--put their needs or their happiness above your own--and this is best expressed within the bonds of marriage. If BOTH individuals in a relationship don't feel this way, then you have to expect that the relationship will go south. (This is a common cause of divorce.) When one person in a couple says, "but I don't want to be tied down" for example, look at the phrase. It starts out, "but I," and you can see that this person is not thinking of the other person's needs before their own. That is why marriage has been a symbol of commitment for years and years. These people who marry WANT to be tied to the most important person in their lives--their spouse.

There are some tangent points in what I've said, however, they do relate to your issue at hand. If you find another person, and you start to feel the same way--to quote fitchick--TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL. My wife and I talk for hours sometimes--just talk--about whatever comes up. Communication is so important in a relationship, I can't stress it enough. When the time comes, be ready for the commitment and let the other know how you feel.

..stepping down from soapbox...
AZ1 said:
6 months though is a short time where you are most likey still in that starry eyed stage with someone unable to tell if its love or infatuation, just that inital excitement we all have when we meet someone new that might be that "special someone" not till after those feelings leave and its on to building you lives together do you know if you love each other. Remember love is not selfish or self serving. in fact those are completely contradictory to love. Sounds like you loved her though. Guard your heart, let people earn trust before you become too invested in them.

The future holds someone better for you bro. Aim high, theres plenty of rich lonely ladies out there looking for a young stud to bring fun back into their lives! Take it slow and try not to become to enthralled with someone too quickly, and if she does that then i would worry too. [/B]

True AZ1...its's called the "movie phase", evrything looks like a romance from da movies and you only get to see the part where they fall goofy in love and not the hell that comers later when they grow acustomed to one another....on a brighter side i started my cycle today....damn munchies just wont stop....