Liquid's m1t

I am around 212-214 but carrying some fat for sure, gonna start this tomorrow - looking forward to it. Will start at 25mg and see what happens.
I'll be giving this a try before too long, I've really been reading a lot of good things when I've had time to look it up
look forward to hearing ur results brutha

Oh man this is GOOD STUFF! Only on third day today at 25mg and seeing a huge difference. I am stacking this with about 20mg Nolva Bloat and 40-50 mcg MC IGF-1 split bilaterally.

Noticed more energy and GREAT PUMPS. BI's were pumped all the way to late last night from working out lunchtime Monday, and still are somewhat pumped. Did legs today and although I'm doing wimpy weight with a bum right knee I usually do lunges at the end to burn out and I could have kept doing them for 2 hours I think.

Weight this AM was at 223 up from 214 just several days before although this is likely a lot water I'm sure (and raiding the fridge). Its been over 20 years for me since I have done any gear, so this is definitely a winner in my book and blows away any of that other pro-hormone BS I have tried.

Appetite is voracious trying to watch it some to get a little leaner but it's hard not to raid the fridge at night - got a bad habit of doing that anyways.

Definitely a winner and will post some of my first impressions of the IGF in that thread, noticed some huge benefits from that already as well.

Thanks for helping an older guy get pumped again, two thumbs up!

Will continue to post my findings.

Questions -

What is the best time to take Nolva and this product to maximize results?

How long should this be run? 4-6 weeks?
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Oh man this is GOOD STUFF! Only on third day today at 25mg and seeing a huge difference. I am stacking this with about 20mg Nolva Bloat and 40-50 mcg MC IGF-1 split bilaterally.

Noticed more energy and GREAT PUMPS. BI's were pumped all the way to late last night from working out lunchtime Monday, and still are somewhat pumped. Did legs today and although I'm doing wimpy weight with a bum right knee I usually do lunges at the end to burn out and I could have kept doing them for 2 hours I think.

Weight this AM was at 223 up from 214 just several days before although this is likely a lot water I'm sure (and raiding the fridge). Its been over 20 years for me since I have done any gear, so this is definitely a winner in my book and blows away any of that other pro-hormone BS I have tried.

Appetite is voracious trying to watch it some to get a little leaner but it's hard not to raid the fridge at night - got a bad habit of doing that anyways.

Definitely a winner and will post some of my first impressions of the IGF in that thread, noticed some huge benefits from that already as well.

Thanks for helping an older guy get pumped again, two thumbs up!

Will continue to post my findings.

Questions -

What is the best time to take Nolva and this product to maximize results?

How long should this be run? 4-6 weeks?

First bro you realy should be making new threads for your questions, so everyone will see the questions and you will get them answered, posting questions in others threads will likely not get you many answers as not many people will see the question, so dont be afraid to start a new thread for every different question you have , thats why we are here brutha!

Ok to answer ur question though, any time is ok to take the nolva, and you should run the nolva for as long as it takes to get rid of the pre exisiting condition you might be using for like bloat or such, of run it as long as your running ur cycle.

If your using it to combat pre-exisiting gyno symptons, bloat ect then take it until those symptons are gone, then switch over to an anti-e that stops the testsosterone to estrogen conversion
i just got my liquid m1-t today :p :p :p and gonna try doing have a droppler which should be 25mcg and see how i hold up, probably try it tonight before bed, my current weight is 212 lean, with about maybe 10% body fat, so i am mostly looking to put on a good lean mass dry. Ill keep it posted
Holy cow, so when i took my first dose of 25mcg, i could tell the effects, i took it before bed and definitely a bad idea, i hardly slept, so now i am only going to stick to pre-workout, I took another dose of 25mcg pre-work and i felt the pump for sure,its been 2 hours post workout and i still have pumps, unless its a placebo effect, but doubt it, ill keep more updates as we go.
10 hours later and the pumps are still there, this is surreal, veins are just ridiculous all over my biceps, forearms and shoulders. This is great stuff, i like it already.
Holy cow, so when i took my first dose of 25mcg, i could tell the effects, i took it before bed and definitely a bad idea, i hardly slept, so now i am only going to stick to pre-workout, I took another dose of 25mcg pre-work and i felt the pump for sure,its been 2 hours post workout and i still have pumps, unless its a placebo effect, but doubt it, ill keep more updates as we go.

ol, why on GODS green earth would you take it before going to bed brutha,lmao. Thats crazy, its methylated Test so it hits you fast and gives u agression nearly right away, lol Crazy Bastard!! lol

Glad You like it though brutha, I keep khearing the same thing from everyone, but havent used it myself as Ill prolly grow man boobs overnight from it,lol
ol, why on GODS green earth would you take it before going to bed brutha,lmao. Thats crazy, its methylated Test so it hits you fast and gives u agression nearly right away, lol Crazy Bastard!! lol

Glad You like it though brutha, I keep khearing the same thing from everyone, but havent used it myself as Ill prolly grow man boobs overnight from it,lol

Hahah, I know right, i am sure i read something wrong about taking it before bed to avoid the lethargy, but i haven't felt that at all while taking it pre-workout.

my pumps has been crazy, and size is coming as well, but most seem like water weight but feeling great and the mood is good as well while on it. This is good stuff.
I've kept nearly everything from when I ran it. Seeing these threads makes me wanna go order some more actually