looking for ideas

well then your not a peice of shit,lol, bro sorry if you took it wrong, but i was saying if you did in fact do shit to people food then yes ur a peice of shit, but you havenot and i respect that of you cuase i know customers can be peices of shit themselves, but u dont play with peoples food, sorry if i offended you but i call it as i see it, and i knew u were better then that!
OK, so here's another delicious story from my middle school days..........we had some friends that always had to have some of your french fries, and to be honest it got on your freakin' nerves after a while when they'd come by and just take your shit. Well, one day, my buddy Phillip had a nose bleed so he hocked (sp?) up a nice 'ole ball of snot mixed with the blood from his nose and spit it into the fries he had. Looked just like catsup. He then took the fries/snot/blood mixture to our friends Ed and Huston and they, of course, ate them............no, I didn't know that's what he was doing at first, he told me about it later