Losing Motivation


Gold Member
Ugh...I hate when this happens. I come off cycle then my motivation seems to drop to all time low levels. Eating is down, training is down, everything is down right now.

I'm losing weight as we speak. :(

I need to get my motivation back, start the intense training and diet again.

I'm hovering around 180lbs - Still up 25lbs but feeling skinny.

BTW - I'm taking Slin on workout days and it doesn't seem to be helping too much. Maybe I should up the dose slightly.
no idea about dose, not sure what ur doing, but i would add creatine in if you have not already
i'm right there with ya. my advice... go back on. if that's not an option right now, maybe try changing up your routine. it has worked for me. as far as dieting goes you will just have to force yourself into eating right. it can suck at times but you will feel a lot better if you do. sorry i can't be of more help
lol @ presser.

I really would like to go back on but....it's probably best for my body to take a break for a little while.

I am however planning on getting some IGF1 LR3. I just can't stand to lose anymore weight. I want to reach my goal of 210-215lbs within the next 4-6 months or so. At least 30 more lbs.
You might want to take a week and plan a little R&R. Take off from the gym and just concentrate on eating right. Then go back to the gym with a greatly reduced lifting schedule. I hope you did this anyway. There is no reason to be lifting as much or as long as when you were on.
Maybe you should try a post cycle clomid or hcg just to keep your gains. The creatine thing helps to. You just have to force your self to get into the habits
it's hard bro..to get motivated, but I have lost a lot of weight coming off cycle, and now I have the mental attitude of...I can't slack off when I come off cycle.....because I am not about to lose everything I gained...and everything I worked so hard for...to just throw away!!!!