Maintaining Size


ive been on a cycle of sustanon, deca, and parabolin and i was prettey happy with my gains. i started running the IGF about 3 weeks ago. i get really awesome pumps but for some reason i just dont feel as big as i was before the IGF. and last night someone asked me if i am still working out. what the f@*k. im sure all of you hate to hear coments like that just as much as me. im workin my ass off in the gym and its not even noticable. im sure she wouldnt have asked that if i was bigger. ive only lost 2 lbs. what the hell is going on. ive heard of IGF hindering gains but ive heard more people say its best to use with juice. ive heard that you can loose size from overtraining. i dont think i am. anyone have any thoughts
Don't sweat it bro, you are probably going through "the igf change" that everyone is talking about. Besides that you are taking her comment too literal. Maybe she was just trying to make conversation because you make her nervous or something. Don't worry about it brother, you are really taking the bigger\smaller thing way to serious.
what do you mean the igf change. im almost finished with this run of igf. my plan was to use one bottle of igf at 40mcg for 25 days. if im goin through the so called change is it a good idea to keep it at 25 days. i dont want to stop changin right in the middle.
A lot of the guys state a very noticeable physique change, but my main point is to relax about the 2lbs and don't worry about what that chick says.
Are you still on the AS? If yes and it was me I WOULD worry about losing 2lbs if I was NOT on a cutting cycle. If no and you think the 2lbs was fat then as ACE said not to worry about it of course.

You say you do not think you are over training. Why not go ahead and post your workout schedule and your diet so we can try and give helpful advice.

Im no expert but i would be freaked out to. I started my first cycle of igf 7 days ago at 60mcgs a day. Im on AS,T3 as im trying to cut. My physique is defintely getting leaner and ive put 4lbs on since i started the igf.
i don't think 2lbs is something to worry about....just up your protein and you should be fine bro...
jth250, the first time I used IGF, I decreased weight about 6-7 lbs. HOWEVER, I found out later that I lost a large amount of fat. By the end of my second IGF cycle, I was down to 9.6% bf and had brought my weight back up == lean mass gains. IGF sometimes seems to cause a drop in bodyfat levels first while preserving your lean mass the first time around. What bf % were you before you started IGF? I'd only be worried about a decrease in weight if you were already at 7% bf or lower.
i am pretty sure the 2lbs was fat i hope the rest of the igf gains are LM so when i come off of the gear i wont loose much. i will be done with the igf in a couple days. im not really sure what my bf is prolly around 12% 213lbs. i hit the gym 5 days a week for about an hour to hour 1/2. it just cought me by suprise when she said that. ya know. she said it once before but i didnt think much of it but the second time. shit. she said it in front of a few people and i felt about an inch tall. i think i look aight but i dont think ill ever be totaly satisfied. you know how that goes
i think that using the igf probobly made me loose some of the water that the test was holding. i think thats whats going on?????
2 lbs is hardly a big loss, Imy weight fluctuates by 5 or 6 lbs when on cycle due to water gain and loss, I wouldn't worry about it.
IGF shouldn't really affect your water levels. It does have quite an effect on fat though. Like I said earlier, the first time I used it, I lost a lot of fat. Here's to illustrate: My bellybutton used to go in quite far because of the fat I had on my midsection. I'd have to clean deep inside with a q-tip. After using IGF, it is now almost level with my skin--I can touch the inside of it with my finger. Any further and I'd be an 'outie,' lol.
how did you administer. did you go SQ to loose the fat on your belly or im?? what was your dose and how long did you run it. im thinkin my dose my be to low. im not really getting the insane fat loss or size that everyone raves about?
Nope, I always did IM. You get somewhat of an overall body effect with IM shots too, just not as much as doing only subq shots. I started out doing 40 mcg/day and increased as I progressed to 100 mcg/day. There have been others that said they felt they weren't getting any effects either, but when they increased their dosage, they started getting the results they wanted. The fat loss isn't really insane--mine occurred over a two-cycle period, and I don't think I have ever been over 13% bf. Still, getting down to 9.6% was pretty cool.

I ran the first cycle for about four weeks and then stayed off for two weeks. The second cycle after that was about seven weeks. I seem to respond well to the stuff and I was still getting good results at the four-week mark both times. Some people aren't able to go past four weeks.

If you don't feel you are getting results, increase your dosage. If you are using 40mcg per day, increase to 60. If you are already at 60, increase to 80. Pay attention to how you feel. Not everyone gets the big hunger or the other effects. I get a little more hungry, but not anything spectacular--no other effects.
awesome bro. i really apreciate your info. ive got 1 day left on this run. i just ran 1 bottle at 40mcg for about 25 days. im gonna take a couple weeks off and refil my supply and then go for another run at 80mcg and stay on it for a little longer. are you using anything else with it??. im near the end of my gear cycle. i was thinkin of runnin the igf alone so i can really se how it works. what do you think??
It's 2lbs bro RELAX, your ego is a little bruised but no harm done, besides what does she know about working out etc? No doubt the 2lbs was fat anyway.
I'm always on test cyp for HRT. You can use IGF by itself just fine. Many people have used it that way.
im deciding on weather or not i want to wait untill i start my next cycle to run the igf or to run it in pct. hey maybe ill just have to do both. i like the sound of that