MC IGF-1 LR3 Re-comp Cycle Log

Rep responded, but he didn't read my entire message.
I posted a link to this log and my previous log.
He thought I was just running Dbol by itself, so we'll see what he says.

Really the only thing I changed was switching out the Dianadrol with Dbol this time.
My last cycle went so well, I didn't see much reason to change much.
I really think I should have had better results with this cycle with the Dbol though?
So, I just heard back from the rep, and the guys at PSL decided not to do anything for me.
That's where I got my Dbol from, and I'm sure I got a bad batch or something (It had to be!).
The rep did say he would give me a discount on my next order (which I'm not sure I'll be making).

I mean, I know I started out at only 20-30mg/ED for the first 4 weeks, but I did run it at 40mg/ED for a full 2 Weeks, and this was my first time ever taking Dbol.
Either way, That's still a 6 week run of Dbol with no results.
In fact, I lost size! I should have at the VERY least retained some water from it!

I was hoping that they would at least send me some that is legit, so I could get a feel for Dbol, but now I am apprehensive of ordering that from them again.
I know they seem to have a good rep here, but there's also the possibility that some of these guys that review them are connected to PSL in some way.

Anyway, I'm just gonna have to count it as a loss. I have a little more left, but what's the point in taking it if it's no good?
The whole thing is just pretty frustrating. I'm sure you guys can understand my frustration.
I busted my ass for the last 6 weeks, and this was my last chance to bulk before summer.

Oh well... Time to prepare for my cut.

Thanks PSL!
I hate to be that way, but I purchased 4 bags (as a test) for a total of 200 tabs. It was only a little over $60. Seems like it would have been an easy fix for them, but they failed short of what I consider reasonable customer service.
Well why would they want to send you more bad gear for free. They need to get their money's worth before the game is up.
I guess. Just seems like they would want to uphold their reputation. I'll use a different source next time.
yeah thats pretty weak over 60$ maybe they will reconsider once they see this
So, if any of you guys have spent much time here, you know that Presser is, without a doubt, a stand up guy.
He decided to take this into his hands and make sure it was made right.
He spoke with the guys at PSL, and they are re-sending some Dbol.

I really didn't want to make a big deal out of all of this. I was just trying to post my experience.
I still plan to purchase a Test Kit and test the tabs when they get here.
I trust Presser, but I figure $22 including shipping is a small price to pay for piece of mind.

I think there may have been some miscommunication between me and the rep, and I apologize for that.
Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted on how things go.
Yeah. Thanks for stepping up like always! You didn't have to do that, but you always go out of your way to keep us guys happy. That's awesome!

I spoke with PSL, and they are resending the dbol. It was very cool if them to do that even though I think we had a little miscommunication. I get the feeling they stand behind their product. That's just good business.

I don't think I'll be taking it until after summer, but I'll get a LabMax kit and post results when I do.

Today is my last final exam for the semester, so I'm looking forward to getting serious in the gym next week.

It's gonna be so nice not to have all that added stress....until next semester.
Hey Nikon,
I'm having the same problems with our favorite company. I ordered some ancillary stuff during their memorial day sale and the still haven't shipped anything. I emailed them twice saying I was hoping to receive my order in a week or so and if they knew when it would ship. Nothing!! Ordered more t3 to make my cycle work and now I'm forced to taper down quicker than planned. I'm pissed and thought I would share since you had similar problems.
Hey Nikon,
I'm having the same problems with our favorite company. I ordered some ancillary stuff during their memorial day sale and the still haven't shipped anything. I emailed them twice saying I was hoping to receive my order in a week or so and if they knew when it would ship. Nothing!! Ordered more t3 to make my cycle work and now I'm forced to taper down quicker than planned. I'm pissed and thought I would share since you had similar problems.
Just so everyone's clear I'm NOT talking about MC. They have been nothing but professional and always respond quickly when I have any questions.
Hey Nikon,
I'm having the same problems with our favorite company. I ordered some ancillary stuff during their memorial day sale and the still haven't shipped anything. I emailed them twice saying I was hoping to receive my order in a week or so and if they knew when it would ship. Nothing!! Ordered more t3 to make my cycle work and now I'm forced to taper down quicker than planned. I'm pissed and thought I would share since you had similar problems.

Sorry to hear that bro.
Hopefully they will work things out.
It wasn't easy at all for me to get things fixed, BTW.

Too bad MB (Mass Builder) doesn't have what you need. You may want to contact them though.
I received my items from them in about a week!
PM "studmuffin". He will take care of you if he can.
Jo_seef, did u get things worked out with PSL?

Just so you know, Presser had to step up to PSL to get things taken care of for me. I think he's been really busy lately, because I haven't been able to get in touch with him. He's saying he is unable to receive PM's, so that may be it also.
Either way, it's worth a shot.
He's such a good guy, and takes really good care of us!

Did you PM studmuffin from MB to see if he could take care of you?

I hope everything works out for you brother. Wish there was something I could do.