MC IGF, AAA Peps Folli, Syntherol

I'm sorry the Synth didn't work out.
It's no fun anyway. It's been a rough month putting that stuff in my calves.
I'm sorry the Synth didn't work out.
It's no fun anyway. It's been a rough month putting that stuff in my calves.

Oh I'm not giving up! The stuff works and I've got a good amount. It was my fault for jumping to 3cc too soon. I'm going to start back up this week at 1cc EOD

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Oh I'm not giving up! The stuff works and I've got a good amount. It was my fault for jumping to 3cc too soon. I'm going to start back up this week at 1cc EOD

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3cc is a lot. I've been at 2cc for a while now, and that seems to be pretty good.
I have a feeling it is time to go up though. I need to measure.
I've always wondered about it's the real deal/dramatic?

It's pretty dramatic in the protocol that I'm using. I never imagined any protocol out there would allow me to gain the size and strength I have from this protocol in such a short time. Like I said I've used GH peptides with AAS before and I've used MC IGF with GH peptides and AAS before and I've never responded like this. I can emphasize enough though that I am doing a whole bottle at once each week. I don't know if Follistatin would be this effective with anything taken out of the current protocol as I haven't used it in that context, but what I can say is that Follistatin added to this protocol at this dose is dramatically effective. My weight was up another 1.5lbs this morning. 229.5 first thing in the AM on an empty stomach....

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Today was legs. I was stronger again. With quads and hamstrings Im especially careful. Im well past the point where I would normally get some strains and pulls with regards to the weights Im using, but Im hitting these weights for 20-25 reps now. With the nerve damage from my accident, unilateral training is impossible. For instance I did the Hammer Hack Squat machine for 22 reps with 4 45's and a 35 on each side. I tried to do a unilateral lunge machine that we just got. This thing is incredible and fully adjustable. Unfortunately I wasn't able to handle a single 25 pound plate on each unilateral arm...
In other news my calves were looking good, more specifically my ankles. Im taking tomorrow off and I'll do 1ml of syntherol in each calf prior to training on Thursday. Going to stick to 1ml EOD for at least a week and see if I can avoid the swelling. Im hopeful that this works out without any swelling. Fourth bottle of Follistatin on Saturday
last two workouts were without Kratom. I apparently forgot the pain I experience without it. Ive got more coming, so hopefully it gets here soon. My strength is still going up, but Im trying to keep weights reasonable and only going up 5-10lbs and do another 10 reps. Im struggling with the neck pain and its had some negative effects on my training. I did start up the syntherol today at 1ml per calf. I also treated myself to another 1mg of Follistatin. I think 1mg every 3-4 days of this stuff would really be something amazing for the advanced bodybuilder. Not only does it make you look harder and leaner, it also makes you stronger and does appear to add muscle tissue very quickly. Im going to do another 1ml of Syntherol in each calf tomorrow prior to training. I'll likely take Sunday off from the Syntherol
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In the interest of research I skipped the MC IGF for the last three days... I really wanted to see what was doing what... or at least how much synergism was in play. There is a long accepted belief the IGF LR3 interferes with GH Peptides. After 3 days this is what Ive noticed.... I am not nearly as hard or as pumped. I don't get as good of a pump in the gym, and my joints are starting to ache a little. The biggest thing is how I look just walking around. I was constantly pumped and hard as nails and in just 3 days sans MC IGF Ive lost a large majority of this. While Im not going to say that the IGF LR3 and GH peptides don't somehow impede one another in some small way on paper, I will tell you that in my experience using them together produces real world easy to see improvements in hardness, density, and just pretty much makes you look a hell of a lot better. So as weird as this seems as I only use MC IGF preworkoout, Im going to go dose a little right now to get the REAL LIQUID GOLD back in me
I did 1ml of syntherol in each calf last night. By this morning they were crazy tight and feeling super full and pumped again so I opted to skip the syntherol dose today. My calves looked great and got a sick pump today. vascularity appeared to be dramatically better I assume from the pressure from within the muscle. Im going to play this much more conservatively and do my doses and adjust my doses based on how Im feeling and with a concerted effort to avoid any swelling.
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I'm loving this log Dude! Incredible stuff here, keep at it. Such major enhancements with all the student chemical compositions is mind boggling. To learn a first hand analysis of what is truly going on is amazing.
I'm loving this log Dude! Incredible stuff here, keep at it. Such major enhancements with all the student chemical compositions is mind boggling. To learn a first hand analysis of what is truly going on is amazing.

Im enjoying it. Thank you There are so many options and so much opinion out there. Ive tried a lot of different things. Some that people swear by were horrible experiences where as others that people disregard as hype and sensationalism are actually tremendously effective (Follistatin). Lots of people align themselves with the "test is best" philosophy and say that real "magic" occurs once you exceed 1 gram a week. Ive gone as high as 3 grams a week and it was absolutely terrible. The gains were only marginally better than a basic 500mg a week dose. At least that's what I experienced. It made me very ill and bloated. Personally I believe test is a base drug. Anabolics cause real growth
I don't know if I shared this yet. I switched to Hexarelin a few days ago to prevent the desensitization to GHRP2. Its supposed to be twice as effective as GHRP2 so I started out with half the dose. 50mcg. There was very little of anything. Not much flushing, very little hunger, and less lethargy. I don't know if that means I need to use more or if perhaps Hex has less "sides". Im now using about 70mcg, but Im running very low on Peptides so I'll be placing another order with AAA. Silk has been enjoying the peptides so we're ripping through them. This is getting very expensive. I need a better job
I don't know if I shared this yet. I switched to Hexarelin a few days ago to prevent the desensitization to GHRP2. Its supposed to be twice as effective as GHRP2 so I started out with half the dose. 50mcg. There was very little of anything. Not much flushing, very little hunger, and less lethargy. I don't know if that means I need to use more or if perhaps Hex has less "sides". Im now using about 70mcg, but Im running very low on Peptides so I'll be placing another order with AAA. Silk has been enjoying the peptides so we're ripping through them. This is getting very expensive. I need a better job

Anything worth having is worth working for and has a price my friend. Looking good. The both of you ;)
I took today off. I decided to do some "maintenance" doses in the triceps, but I also did 1 1/2ml in my right tricep. Did another ml in each calf as well. When you aren't going crazy trying to engorge the muscles as fast as possible some of the SEO applications are kind of enjoyable. I've always marveled at the proportion of how thick and full the Pro's arms are. A little syntherol goes a long way

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I took today off. I decided to do some "maintenance" doses in the triceps, but I also did 1 1/2ml in my right tricep. Did another ml in each calf as well. When you aren't going crazy trying to engorge the muscles as fast as possible some of the SEO applications are kind of enjoyable. I've always marveled at the proportion of how thick and full the Pro's arms are. A little syntherol goes a long way

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yes when done properly SEO can look and feel natural from everything i have always read and seen! Though i have never used it myself!
I took today off. I decided to do some "maintenance" doses in the triceps, but I also did 1 1/2ml in my right tricep. Did another ml in each calf as well. When you aren't going crazy trying to engorge the muscles as fast as possible some of the SEO applications are kind of enjoyable. I've always marveled at the proportion of how thick and full the Pro's arms are. A little syntherol goes a long way

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I'm glad you are finally getting to enjoy the Synth. I agree a little goes a long way. It did for me at least.
I still haven't finished my first bottle, but I think it will be gone after today.

I think I'm gonna take a 4-6 week break to allow the muscle to fill the gap, and then repeat the process.
I have heard of people having success with it this way.
What do you think?
I'm glad you are finally getting to enjoy the Synth. I agree a little goes a long way. It did for me at least.
I still haven't finished my first bottle, but I think it will be gone after today.

I think I'm gonna take a 4-6 week break to allow the muscle to fill the gap, and then repeat the process.
I have heard of people having success with it this way.
What do you think?

I think taking a break is fine, but you should keep up with the maintenance shots. You dont want to lose all the hard work and pain you endured getting them to that size

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Already noticed a little swelling today. I do sit in a chair for 8 hours, but I dont think that's alot as I'm sure most people do. I didn't plan on doing any today, but I may have to skip tomorrow too.
I'm out of peptides (well CJC) so I'll be off for a few days until the next batch comes in. I'm going to use CJC w DAC, GHRP2, and hyperzine A. In the meantime I'm going to slam some IGF!!

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