Methyl-1-T or straight test

For a first cycle what do yall think? Its been a while but im still planning on running my first cycle and keep a log of it here. Been waiting for the best time frame to do this, and it seems to be fast approaching.
what do u mean when u say (straight test) u mean injectable? and if so what kind? hard to answer ur question without more info, I will say this, the Methyl-1-test is trong as fuck and you will see results much much faster
I haven't ran m1t in forever. I saw it in the store. Once the receptors clean up I may give it a go myself.
I put what I was gonna run in another of my posts presser just forgot to post it here was gonna run either test c at 500/wk or test e at the same dose. My only concern is getting my test through int customs never had problems before but ya never know.
I like Cyp or Eth personally, if those are the two it's between.. I've taken that methyl shit before ages ago and personally preferred the injectable.
I'd prefer "normal" test over m1t if I had to choose one, but they work very well together.
Next question for you presser, in other posts you said you had two friends use stealth stuff and get infections from it, I currently have 20ml of test c 250mg/ml from stealth in the oil satchets.

Ive got a pescription for backtrum (sp?) do you think I should try using the stuff or just maybe do a prohormone till I can find a legit domestic guy in my new town? Ive already got my pct lined out got HCG still in powder form stored ready for use and nolvadex on hand. Just from reading your posts im wary of my gear now I dont want to get infections.
Giving this a quick bumb, so whats everyone's opinions on stealth satchets go for it with bactrum for infections or just wait and get some other test?
similar to that of test suspension in my experiences

They work well together (M1-T and injectable)??!! Once I do the cruise phase I may do the M1-T with IGF 1g of cyp and IGF with DC training.... that sounds awesome!
They work well together (M1-T and injectable)??!! Once I do the cruise phase I may do the M1-T with IGF 1g of cyp and IGF with DC training.... that sounds awesome!

let us know how this works for ya brutha
Two VERY DIFFERENT compounds for sure. M1t alone would be very harsh and would be much better used with straight test together.
M1t for me cause some hair loss for sure but super strength gains. It has to be tough on the liver and like any oral thats a side that I always think about.
Giving this a quick bumb, so whats everyone's opinions on stealth satchets go for it with bactrum for infections or just wait and get some other test?

I have no idea what bactrum is, but if you're worried about the sachets being dirty you could always filter plus add a little Benzyl Alcohol to. I'd say about 2%. I've never used sachets before but if you're that worried about quality don't use and get some HG stuff.