my range of motion has gone to shit in my shoulders


MuscleChemistry member
I cant not even do free squats anymore, due to I can not reach back and hold the bar. Now I have to use the smith and even then I can only use two fingers on each hand to hold the bar. I dont get it!
You're just too freakin' big! Send me some of your muscle and your range of motion will improve.
But in all seriousness, you can regain range of motion by stretching. Do it first thing in the morning upon waking up
Would you consider your shoulders stable under stress? Sometimes people can develop a labral tear within the joint. What can happen is the labrum may fold on itself and cause your joint to 'stick'. Often individuals experience an unstable shoulder with this. Depending on where the tear is the humerus may sublux posteriorly (more common) or anteriorly (less common). One way you will know is if you are doing dumbell bench press. If you bring the dumbells together over your chest you'll feel the humeral head 'slip' away from the glenoid.
Nuknuk, have you torn your labrum before?

i've had a couple surgeries due bad tears of my labrum. Eventually led to arthritis in my shoulder. I still free squat but to reach the bar i have to wrap a wrist wrap around the bar then hold onto it with my hand. Looks pretty crazy but it works. Squatted 600+ like that haha
I know some of the bigger guys in my gym have their hands all the way to where the plates butt up against the handle