Napping before training


New member
Does it help or hurt your workout? I feel like I need one now, but sometimes they backfire and I wake up feeling more tired and sluggish. Anyone?
Taking naps always makes me feel more tired, but sometimes there isn't anything you can do and you really need one.. If I take a nap, I need at least 1hr before I go to train, then I am fine.
I usually nap before and feel energized and ready to go when I wake. Are you getting at least 7-8 hours in at night?
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When I sleep like 10 hours I always feel horrible when I wake up even if its on a schedule and getting up immediately I still dont ever adapt to it. I stay feeling sluggish.

8 for me is my magic number. Even though I dont have my sleep on schedule now... Its worked in the past for me.

As for napping before working out......... I guess it all comes down to how exactly it matches up with your sleep patterns already.
if i sleep 8 hours i feel refreshed but it takes me like 3 hours to fully wake up. If i sleep 6 hours im good to go but a nap is always nice on those days. Its weird. If i take a nap before working out it really depends on how long it is. 30 minutes id be fine but once i get over an hour i feel like crap when i wake up.
I feel like shit all the time, after my 1st 2 sets if the endorphines kick in then I'm good to go, other wise forget it:drooling:
Im with swole on this one. I can not sleep over six hours or I feel like crap. I have gotten in the habit of waking early, working out, taking my protein, doing some school work, then taking my whole food meal then taking an hour nap. Works great for me. Sleep from around 1 to six or seven in the morning so about five or six hours. Thats good considering I am a major insomniac.
Screw all that! I'm a big believer in the "better living through chemistry" lifestyle. Due to work I don't have a regular sleep pattern... enter ambien. Then Valium do to the nature of my work. I sleep at least 8 hours a night and on my days off I take a 1-2 hour valium nap. I feel great and take EndoRush or ECA and go to the gym. Swapping the ambien out for GHB on the next Dr. Visit.
taking naps doesnt always make me feel more tired.... if i ever eat a meal, take a power nap, then have a shake then pwo... i usually feel great !! Naps relieve stress, and for most people with anxiety.... they are told to take power naps
Taking a nap makes my workouts feel worthless.. Running for 5 - 15 min on the treadmill before your workout will help though is you do nap before your workout
I dont take naps before workouts, unless I take a hour nap..Get up get on the net for an hour or two then workout..I do believe that if you can take a nap in the afternoon's it can help with your progress...Its not a bad thing at all, if you can get even a 30 min nap in the afternoon...

I've noticed that when I nap before a workout I can actually make my workout a last a little longer cuz I feel more rested and energized... I also wait about an hour after my nap before I actually go to the gym, as posted above.

Sometimes, depending on what time I hit the gym I feel like taking a nap right afterwards... but that's only when I haven't had a nap yet.... it feels good to get some sleep right after a workout.
I try not to nap if I can help it. If I do nap, it takes me a bit before I'm fully back in a state that I can go be focused in the gym and have a good workout.