New chick on the gain train


New member
New to the sight and new to the world of steroids, I'm looking to make some much needed gainzz:sport:!! wanted to start a cycle but not to sure of what to use and being a female I know its a different game , I'm a 5'6 and 138 lbs. I started at 115 last november and cant seem to get past 140 . I would post a picture but I have no updated ones on my laptop. I would love to hear some advice, input and opinions ... Thanks :D
Welcome to Post your diet and training, along with what your goals. Your in a good place.
New to the sight and new to the world of steroids, I'm looking to make some much needed gainzz:sport:!! wanted to start a cycle but not to sure of what to use and being a female I know its a different game , I'm a 5'6 and 138 lbs. I started at 115 last november and cant seem to get past 140 . I would post a picture but I have no updated ones on my laptop. I would love to hear some advice, input and opinions ... Thanks :D

I agree with Ironjulius in that you should grab some IGF-1 lr3 from and we have loads of reviews on it here, and female reviews as eel in the peptide forum, i would also say anavar is your safest choice being your new to it all
welcome to MC

my wife enjoys Var, tbol and MC igf

I didnt like tbol, i loveeee var, and primo :) and clen /t3 :) havent tried igf yet, pre comp nolva is amazing
good first cycle is like 10mg of var for 8 weeks, see how you react, you dont really need to pct, but some girls are more sensitive than others, I never have noticed a difference tapering on or off, but for your first cycle you might wanna try

ohhhh and also be very careful who you get var and primo from, there is a lot of fakes out there, even if it says like bayer primo in a fancy box, it could still be a good fake, one time i got var and it was dbol and winny i think, it was horrrrriiibbbbllllleeee, Idk if this is allowed to say, but if you can get phramagrade just do it, as a female its not worth risking... trust me
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I didnt like tbol, i loveeee var, and primo :) and clen /t3 :) havent tried igf yet, pre comp nolva is amazing
good first cycle is like 10mg of var for 8 weeks, see how you react, you dont really need to pct, but some girls are more sensitive than others, I never have noticed a difference tapering on or off, but for your first cycle you might wanna try

ohhhh and also be very careful who you get var and primo from, there is a lot of fakes out there, even if it says like bayer primo in a fancy box, it could still be a good fake, one time i got var and it was dbol and winny i think, it was horrrrriiibbbbllllleeee, Idk if this is allowed to say, but if you can get phramagrade just do it, as a female its not worth risking... trust me
lol my wife looovvvvvees some var too. i may talk to her about primo. she didnt like test P even at a very small dose i think 4mg eod day for like 3 shots. she is doing HGH for the first time mainly for skin tightening around 5 months in 1.5iu a day and she seems to like it. not getting MC igf results with instant pump and hardness but slow steady gains. yea getting legit var is hard and can be pricey she has run muscle-depots var and liked it. not bad for 39 years old


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Late to the party, but welcome to the forum PURDYGURL! you've come to the right place.... Lots of awesome super knowledgable folks here who will be more than happy to help guide you in the right direction.
Good luck! [emoji106]

S5 tap'n