Obama or Romney. Who are you voting for?

Obama or Romney. Who are you voting for?

  • Obama

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Romney

    Votes: 25 86.2%

  • Total voters
that's what some people are saying, that don't want a new President in office becuase of what happened in 2008 with the stock market and then in 2009 with all the job loss

but in 2008 they begged for change and here it is 4 years later and no such change

everyone is either hiding behind smoke or sticking their head in the sand

doesn't matter who gets it both parties are funded by the big banks

Romney will just be a slower burning version of Obama
that's what some people are saying, that don't want a new President in office becuase of what happened in 2008 with the stock market and then in 2009 with all the job loss

but in 2008 they begged for change and here it is 4 years later and no such change

everyone is either hiding behind smoke or sticking their head in the sand

doesn't matter who gets it both parties are funded by the big banks

Romney will just be a slower burning version of Obama

oh, i wasnt sure what you were saying prior, I dont agree but your ofcourse welcome to your opinion brutha, I believe Obama has his own agenda which doesnt include people like myself, and i will just leave it at that. And again everyone is welcome to their opinions.
I really don't think either of them give a shit about the middle class, as long as they get paid and their rich buddies get richer and the welfare cases get food stamps and free phones...then everyone is happy except us the middle class...but who cares about us right
well I just read with Obama there is 56 million jobs lost and with Romney there will be 32 million employed as soon as he is President, so that must be true, and my vote is in now that I know those awesome facts (No disrespect to the GM workers who owe their employment to someone) Plus if you are given a company you are a business man, Obama has been handed no Businesses, so that fact on top of the other one, i'd just be insane and a baby killer to vote for the libtard, see what I did there, it's clever and is almost similar to liberal, so great. Some ingenious person thought up that one, that we all still find fascinating every time we hear it. On top of everything Ryan just looks nothing like a pencil neck ***, so that's the other reason why I'm totally voting for them.

- - - Updated - - -

damn it blurted out f a g wtf
As a black person, this thread is a sad reminder that there are some things that will never leave the US. Throughout the thread there are plenty of good opinions that deal with the ideologies of the candidates and the differences between them. But there are so many references about race, that really have nothing to do with this discussion, that it tells me that the ugly head of racist thoughts prevale above anything else. Im a self proclaimed political junkie, own my own business, have voted for Bush and Obama, am a father/husband and a Christian. I can tell you that the president, despite what the opinions on here have suggested, has done little to nothing to help blacks do anything. Our unemployment is still in the high teens and there is no legislation on the table for ANYTHING having to do with African Americans. Noone is asking for anything either despite popular opinion. "Free phone videos" from stupid people on Youtube????!!! Really? It is just a Super Myth that has prevailed solely because of his skin color. There is a part of me that wishes things would change and another part of me that understands the reality of my nation.
No, Presser, you do have blacks that frequent the site and love it. I know I'll get super flamed for this but it was necessary in my eye. I wish that could elaborate more but Im late for church.
As a black person, this thread is a sad reminder that there are some things that will never leave the US. Throughout the thread there are plenty of good opinions that deal with the ideologies of the candidates and the differences between them. But there are so many references about race, that really have nothing to do with this discussion, that it tells me that the ugly head of racist thoughts prevale above anything else. Im a self proclaimed political junkie, own my own business, have voted for Bush and Obama, am a father/husband and a Christian. I can tell you that the president, despite what the opinions on here have suggested, has done little to nothing to help blacks do anything. Our unemployment is still in the high teens and there is no legislation on the table for ANYTHING having to do with African Americans. Noone is asking for anything either despite popular opinion. "Free phone videos" from stupid people on Youtube????!!! Really? It is just a Super Myth that has prevailed solely because of his skin color. There is a part of me that wishes things would change and another part of me that understands the reality of my nation.
No, Presser, you do have blacks that frequent the site and love it. I know I'll get super flamed for this but it was necessary in my eye. I wish that could elaborate more but Im late for church.

It was a joke bro because at the time their were zero Obama votes, and I stated it was a joke in that same post, and I know we have blacks here who love the site, and I know who many of them are, it doesnt change my opinion of Obama. And why would you get flamed for that post, I didnt see anything in it that would get you flamed brutha and your more then welcome to elaborate on any of this any time you like my man.
As a black person, this thread is a sad reminder that there are some things that will never leave the US. Throughout the thread there are plenty of good opinions that deal with the ideologies of the candidates and the differences between them. But there are so many references about race, that really have nothing to do with this discussion, that it tells me that the ugly head of racist thoughts prevale above anything else. Im a self proclaimed political junkie, own my own business, have voted for Bush and Obama, am a father/husband and a Christian. I can tell you that the president, despite what the opinions on here have suggested, has done little to nothing to help blacks do anything. Our unemployment is still in the high teens and there is no legislation on the table for ANYTHING having to do with African Americans. Noone is asking for anything either despite popular opinion. "Free phone videos" from stupid people on Youtube????!!! Really? It is just a Super Myth that has prevailed solely because of his skin color. There is a part of me that wishes things would change and another part of me that understands the reality of my nation.
No, Presser, you do have blacks that frequent the site and love it. I know I'll get super flamed for this but it was necessary in my eye. I wish that could elaborate more but Im late for church.

Hope this isn't in reference to anything I wrote bc I was being super sarcastic, which I thought was evident. I was mocking the fact that people act like Obama will eat your children if they are outside on a Monday, and how no one credits him for making GM sell more cars than ever esp in international sales. I didn't read everyones posts though, so there is good chance you are referring to someone else's stuff.
hey, my med insurance just went up 23 percent. Pelosi said it would probably go down with Obamacare. lol
I can see 5 percent but 23?? I know the electorial voted Obama in, but does anyone know what the
popular vote was. Im in calif. and the news wont say anything anti Obama.
hey, my med insurance just went up 23 percent. Pelosi said it would probably go down with Obamacare. lol
I can see 5 percent but 23?? I know the electorial voted Obama in, but does anyone know what the
popular vote was. Im in calif. and the news wont say anything anti Obama.

Obama also won the popular vote by just over 1 million votes(but that was before we had FL numbers in), so the country is basicly split down the middle, and now all we can do is hope for the best
As a black person, this thread is a sad reminder that there are some things that will never leave the US. Throughout the thread there are plenty of good opinions that deal with the ideologies of the candidates and the differences between them. But there are so many references about race, that really have nothing to do with this discussion, that it tells me that the ugly head of racist thoughts prevale above anything else. Im a self proclaimed political junkie, own my own business, have voted for Bush and Obama, am a father/husband and a Christian. I can tell you that the president, despite what the opinions on here have suggested, has done little to nothing to help blacks do anything. Our unemployment is still in the high teens and there is no legislation on the table for ANYTHING having to do with African Americans. Noone is asking for anything either despite popular opinion. "Free phone videos" from stupid people on Youtube????!!! Really? It is just a Super Myth that has prevailed solely because of his skin color. There is a part of me that wishes things would change and another part of me that understands the reality of my nation.
No, Presser, you do have blacks that frequent the site and love it. I know I'll get super flamed for this but it was necessary in my eye. I wish that could elaborate more but Im late for church.

People such as yourself are the reason that I have some small semblance of hope that the whole African American thing will just die and everyone can simply call themselves American. The fact is that MOST African Americans believe that there is some sort of hidden racist reason for every action that they do not find favorable. You are far from the type of person anyone on here would make a derogatory statement toward. If Racism is going to be discussed I think it is only fair to discuss BET, Black History Month, Ebony Magazine, The NAACP, The United Negro College Fund, Affirmative Action, The Black Panther Party.... I could go one indefinately. It is a factual statement that the vast majority of African Americans voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. It is also a factual statement his election in 2008 was considered "Monumental" to the African American community because he was the first black president. He nearly doubled our debt in only 4 years. The world would be a better, more educated place if Black and White were replaced with working class citizens and non working class citizens....
Hope this isn't in reference to anything I wrote bc I was being super sarcastic, which I thought was evident. I was mocking the fact that people act like Obama will eat your children if they are outside on a Monday, and how no one credits him for making GM sell more cars than ever esp in international sales. I didn't read everyones posts though, so there is good chance you are referring to someone else's stuff.

It went both ways though, Metal. What about the people saying that women would be treated like they were in the 50's if Romney were elected? There was a crazy amount of fear spread by both sides. And apparently it kept a lot of people from the polls. About 7 million fewer people voted in 2012 compared to 2008. That seems crazy to me.
People such as yourself are the reason that I have some small semblance of hope that the whole African American thing will just die and everyone can simply call themselves American. The fact is that MOST African Americans believe that there is some sort of hidden racist reason for every action that they do not find favorable. You are far from the type of person anyone on here would make a derogatory statement toward. If Racism is going to be discussed I think it is only fair to discuss BET, Black History Month, Ebony Magazine, The NAACP, The United Negro College Fund, Affirmative Action, The Black Panther Party.... I could go one indefinately. It is a factual statement that the vast majority of African Americans voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. It is also a factual statement his election in 2008 was considered "Monumental" to the African American community because he was the first black president. He nearly doubled our debt in only 4 years. The world would be a better, more educated place if Black and White were replaced with working class citizens and non working class citizens....

Obama was "bred" to be president...Those who truly run our Country are very intelligent and know that putting a black president or woman president would appeal to our "open minded" country....

Yesterday and today over 20 states have filings from residents to secede as a whole from the United States, including Texas which in itself says alot. The entire goal is a One World Nation long term, one monetary unit such as the Euro, and a "New World Order". Even if you don't believe in religion or the "end of the world", everything that has been predicted is coming true.

Our country is divided and our Economy is shot, with no hopes of returning. The group known as the "illuminati" believe in Depopulation and a Police State in our Nation...It is coming, look around you. It is unlikely that majority of our Nation will accept this willingly and they know that.

If you have not paid attention to the impending signs, it is time to. Everything is coming together as has been predicted by the bible and many others, plague, world chaos, economic woes, weather changes, etc....Look around you.
the states will never, never, never secede so who even cares if they want to. Admit it, unless they can do it from their computer at home, on their couch, it's not happening. If they had to do what it would actually take, it would be like a civil war style action, and no one would do this (minus 1000 rednecks per state, and they would lose, very badly). I will mention this now as well- NO arguement had online, or at your work in your city at your specific place of business will change anything, and everyone that hates certain things about certain policies will never, ever turn them down, which makes them hypocritical dweebs i.e. unemployment being changed from 12 to 18 months- heard a lot of ppl bitch about it, however not 1 of those people when laid off, refused the check after the 12 months was up (which a real activist would do). Everyone is in for themselves, and everyone wants what others have. I heard a Doc complain how he's fucked now bc Obama is still in office, I than heard him say 5 minuts later how he was buying a way bigger boat soon (he obviously hasn't been run into such a horrible situation, ppl in horrible situation's don't buy huge boats.)
the states will never, never, never secede so who even cares if they want to. Admit it, unless they can do it from their computer at home, on their couch, it's not happening. If they had to do what it would actually take, it would be like a civil war style action, and no one would do this (minus 1000 rednecks per state, and they would lose, very badly). I will mention this now as well- NO arguement had online, or at your work in your city at your specific place of business will change anything, and everyone that hates certain things about certain policies will never, ever turn them down, which makes them hypocritical dweebs i.e. unemployment being changed from 12 to 18 months- heard a lot of ppl bitch about it, however not 1 of those people when laid off, refused the check after the 12 months was up (which a real activist would do). Everyone is in for themselves, and everyone wants what others have. I heard a Doc complain how he's fucked now bc Obama is still in office, I than heard him say 5 minuts later how he was buying a way bigger boat soon (he obviously hasn't been run into such a horrible situation, ppl in horrible situation's don't buy huge boats.)

I think your missing the point bro.....he wasnt able to buy the bigger boat he really wanted, and had to settle for the smaller Obama boat,lol
regardless of how big his boat is or isn't he worked hard to get it. period.. everybody had the same opportunity to do so. Either way taxing 40% of someone's earned income is a crime. Being successful in this country is now looked down upon. Its almost like you should feel ashamed for trying to better yourself and your family. its really sad
As a black person, this thread is a sad reminder that there are some things that will never leave the US. Throughout the thread there are plenty of good opinions that deal with the ideologies of the candidates and the differences between them. But there are so many references about race, that really have nothing to do with this discussion, that it tells me that the ugly head of racist thoughts prevale above anything else. Im a self proclaimed political junkie, own my own business, have voted for Bush and Obama, am a father/husband and a Christian. I can tell you that the president, despite what the opinions on here have suggested, has done little to nothing to help blacks do anything. Our unemployment is still in the high teens and there is no legislation on the table for ANYTHING having to do with African Americans. Noone is asking for anything either despite popular opinion. "Free phone videos" from stupid people on Youtube????!!! Really? It is just a Super Myth that has prevailed solely because of his skin color. There is a part of me that wishes things would change and another part of me that understands the reality of my nation.
No, Presser, you do have blacks that frequent the site and love it. I know I'll get super flamed for this but it was necessary in my eye. I wish that could elaborate more but Im late for church.

honest question..Why do you feel there needs to be further legislation to help minorities get jobs? And what exactly do you feel would help the situation? I'm not patronizing just asking a serious question
regardless of how big his boat is or isn't he worked hard to get it. period.. everybody had the same opportunity to do so. Either way taxing 40% of someone's earned income is a crime. Being successful in this country is now looked down upon. Its almost like you should feel ashamed for trying to better yourself and your family. its really sad

I agree with everything you said, except what is in Bold...A major issue being that equal opportunity does not exist.

Also look at the hypocrits in Govt. Look at Romneys tax returns. He paid 14% in taxes and he made 20+ million dollars. So he was able to keep 17 million. Take someone like me a middle class single parent. Lets say I hypothetically made 50,000 last year. I on average pay about 25+% to taxes. So I was able to keep 35,000.

Now granted Romney worked hard to get to where he is at, so did I. I think this is a major problem with our system...The wealthy are continually rewarded, they can write off far more and take home far more. Sure he paid $3 million dollars and I paid $15,000...but who really needs the money, the middle class for basic needs, food, clothes and shelter, or someone who after taxes brings home 17+ million dollars. So while the wealthy and corporations continue to gain surplus and excess, the 98% of the US population that is Middle Class continues to struggle just to eat, and sleep.

We are economic slaves and the middle and lower classes will never have the same opportunities as the wealthy, nor their children or their children's children.