Obama or Romney. Who are you voting for?

Obama or Romney. Who are you voting for?

  • Obama

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Romney

    Votes: 25 86.2%

  • Total voters
Try to find a place in this world where there is more of an equal opportunity for everyone. I am a prime example. My parents brought in less than $15k a year together and managed to raise multiple successful children. No hand outs nobody holding our hands and if we didnt earn it we didnt take it.

Dont blame unequal opportunity for people not having the ambition to succeed.
Also look at the hypocrits in Govt. Look at Romneys tax returns. He paid 14% in taxes and he made 20+ million dollars. So he was able to keep 17 million. Take someone like me a middle class single parent. Lets say I hypothetically made 50,000 last year. I on average pay about 25+% to taxes. So I was able to keep 35,000.

Too much attention is placed on the tax rates of the wealthy. So he paid 14%, so what? Do you know why he only paid 14%? Because he gave 30% to charities. I'd much rather have the wealthy giving to charities than to the government. If you were trying to help the poor in your area, who would you send your money to...the IRS or a charity?

It is not the government's job to help the poor, especially not by robbing the rich. The government is supposed to create an economic climate that promotes hiring, thereby eliminating the poor by giving them more job opportunities. It is the job of the churches and charities to help the poor. You just have to find the right church or charity to give your money to, because not all are equal in their efforts to aid the poor.
Too much attention is placed on the tax rates of the wealthy. So he paid 14%, so what? Do you know why he only paid 14%? Because he gave 30% to charities. I'd much rather have the wealthy giving to charities than to the government. If you were trying to help the poor in your area, who would you send your money to...the IRS or a charity?

It is not the government's job to help the poor, especially not by robbing the rich. The government is supposed to create an economic climate that promotes hiring, thereby eliminating the poor by giving them more job opportunities. It is the job of the churches and charities to help the poor. You just have to find the right church or charity to give your money to, because not all are equal in their efforts to aid the poor.

I couldnt have said it better myself.
regardless of how big his boat is or isn't he worked hard to get it. period.. everybody had the same opportunity to do so. Either way taxing 40% of someone's earned income is a crime. Being successful in this country is now looked down upon. Its almost like you should feel ashamed for trying to better yourself and your family. its really sad

I have to disagree w part of this, not everyone can get as much schooling as they want done bc of the enormous cost, including ppl that work very hard, and some ppl r in situations that will deny the typical answer of 'if they were in the service blah blah'
I'm not going to get into the minute specifics of this, but I share the opinion of 99% of what is being said.
Personally, I voluntarily left a job making near 200k a year and went to a profession making only a max of 70k this year and that's with 6 years of promotions. I simply couldn't continue on with the 200k a year job and maintain my sanity. I hated every moment of it. For me personally I feel that the people that are making the 200k a year at my previous profession should incur no more tax liability than myself making 70k a year. They can do the job that I couldnt
You tube: epic rap battles
Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
Abe Lincoln says it best.

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i think if the 47% of america that doesn pay taxes did that would help alot.

i mean i know people who have 3-4 kids and get back 13k or so, they didnt pay in that much with their jobs, hell they are taking not giving anything.

my opinion is that there should be a equal % paid by everyone, no loopholes, not write offs everyone pays X amount.

O yea and i am not happy about obama care as i am going into the medical field, in addition insuarance is slated to rise about 19%.
I have to disagree w part of this, not everyone can get as much schooling as they want done bc of the enormous cost, including ppl that work very hard, and some ppl r in situations that will deny the typical answer of 'if they were in the service blah blah'

Its called work hard in high school instead of fucking off. You get grants and scholarships out the ass if you apply for them and apply your brain towards them. Then when you get to your undergrad school you work even harder instead of partying and chasing pussy 24/7. School is really inexpensive if you work hard. Its also inexpensive if your black, mexican, native american, poor, or a military vet.
Of course its going to be expensive for the kids who are B and C students. Universities are businesses just like anything else. Why the fuck would you make an investment into average students? If those students cant invest in themselves why should the school or the gov't do it? Its hypocritical
i moved to a different city so havent updated my voting stuff i just skipped it i realized we are all fucked anyways my vote wouldnt make a difference so i drank a tall boy when i should have been voting.
Its called work hard in high school instead of fucking off. You get grants and scholarships out the ass if you apply for them and apply your brain towards them. Then when you get to your undergrad school you work even harder instead of partying and chasing pussy 24/7. School is really inexpensive if you work hard. Its also inexpensive if your black, mexican, native american, poor, or a military vet.
Of course its going to be expensive for the kids who are B and C students. Universities are businesses just like anything else. Why the fuck would you make an investment into average students? If those students cant invest in themselves why should the school or the gov't do it? Its hypocritical

This Might very well be my favorite post on this site in all 13 years of existence! NO Bullshit!
Its called work hard in high school instead of fucking off. You get grants and scholarships out the ass if you apply for them and apply your brain towards them. Then when you get to your undergrad school you work even harder instead of partying and chasing pussy 24/7. School is really inexpensive if you work hard. Its also inexpensive if your black, mexican, native american, poor, or a military vet.
Of course its going to be expensive for the kids who are B and C students. Universities are businesses just like anything else. Why the fuck would you make an investment into average students? If those students cant invest in themselves why should the school or the gov't do it? Its hypocritical

I partied, chased pussy and a few times got some. Hungover or not I was in class getting good grades and I was at work when I needed to be. I only took out $5k loan my freshman year and then paid everything myself.

And in my opinion, no one deserves to go to college. Everyone deserves the right to be able to but no one should be handed a college education.
I partied, chased pussy and a few times got some. Hungover or not I was in class getting good grades and I was at work when I needed to be. I only took out $5k loan my freshman year and then paid everything myself.

And in my opinion, no one deserves to go to college. Everyone deserves the right to be able to but no one should be handed a college education.

Kind of like "The right to PURSUE HAPPINESS" in this country,lol, it aint guaranteed but you can sure as hell try!
Its called work hard in high school instead of fucking off. You get grants and scholarships out the ass if you apply for them and apply your brain towards them. Then when you get to your undergrad school you work even harder instead of partying and chasing pussy 24/7. School is really inexpensive if you work hard. Its also inexpensive if your black, mexican, native american, poor, or a military vet.
Of course its going to be expensive for the kids who are B and C students. Universities are businesses just like anything else. Why the fuck would you make an investment into average students? If those students cant invest in themselves why should the school or the gov't do it? Its hypocritical

I disagree with this, because this is to say "education" is the key to success...which in no way is accurate. It certainly is a key that can open certain doors, but in no way resembles financial success.

I will use myself as an example...I went to college on a full scholarship the first 2 years..Half academic half athletic. Id say I worked hard. I completed my degree .5 a year early with a 4.0. I then obtained a Masters Degree. I had a job a week after graduating. I got laid off. Got another job, worked my ass off, got promoted to Director, in charge of 30+ staff, 2 agencies, and a 5 million dollar budget on call 24/7. Guess what my pay was? 60K at the top. The State budget crashed a few years ago, and guess what I got laid off again. My boss begged me to take another job with a program he was working for, but the pay would be 35K with all my experience and hard work...It took me 6 months to find a job, with Sparkling recommendations and 10 years in my field. The jobs simply just did not exist, the ones that did were full. And I had to take a pay cut. Guess I wasn't ambitious or educated enough according to you???

Meanwhile I have a friend. Did not graduate HS. Handed a company from his family. Works maybe 20 hours per week, tells other people what to do, and his company makes a million dollars per year. He has no education and no work ethic, but he had opportunity he walked into.

Another example I have a relative who works in a factory 70 hours per week, 7 days per week. He has a HS degree, he makes $9 dollars per hour and kills himself just to pay rent and electric, no spending money. Hes very intelligent, he has applied for Dozens of better paying jobs, no ones hiring, he keeps trying.

I have friends with a HS degree who work in trades who make double what I do. I guess they just worked harder then someone like myself??

Now 23 million "Reported" people are Unemployed in the United States, Id be willing to be the rate is millions higher if it were calculated correctly. Regardless of race, and work ethic, the markets are saturated for good jobs. To believe that 23 million people simply did not "work hard" enough or have enough ambition is utter stupidity. Do you think that the majority of those people did not work themselves to the bone or have "educations" when they were let go.

Can you not clearly see, we are in economic crisis on the brink of economic collapse, the corporations and richer are the only ones getting richer and richer, and you simply cannot get blood from a stone.

And sure there are lazy slobs everywhere. I'm sure out of those 23 million+ there are people who really do not want to work and have no ambition like you are saying, and those who abuse the system, welfare, food stamps, etc...It will always happen.

I am also a Personal Trainer. I work very hard and could be considered an expert after this many years into what I have been doing and my experience. Companies like Planet Fitness and other major corporations take my clients because of cost. I cannot compete privately with someone who charges $20 dollars per hour and pays their PT's who suck most of the time. But yet I cannot make what I deserve in an economy like this. Maybe I can go work for them and collect 12 dollars per hour?? Guess I am just too lazy, not ambitious and uneducated. Maybe if I was a minority it would be handed to me on a silver platter? I think not :greedy:
I disagree with this, because this is to say "education" is the key to success...which in no way is accurate. It certainly is a key that can open certain doors, but in no way resembles financial success.

I will use myself as an example...I went to college on a full scholarship the first 2 years..Half academic half athletic. Id say I worked hard. I completed my degree .5 a year early with a 4.0. I then obtained a Masters Degree. I had a job a week after graduating. I got laid off. Got another job, worked my ass off, got promoted to Director, in charge of 30+ staff, 2 agencies, and a 5 million dollar budget on call 24/7. Guess what my pay was? 60K at the top. The State budget crashed a few years ago, and guess what I got laid off again. My boss begged me to take another job with a program he was working for, but the pay would be 35K with all my experience and hard work...It took me 6 months to find a job, with Sparkling recommendations and 10 years in my field. The jobs simply just did not exist, the ones that did were full. And I had to take a pay cut. Guess I wasn't ambitious or educated enough according to you???

Meanwhile I have a friend. Did not graduate HS. Handed a company from his family. Works maybe 20 hours per week, tells other people what to do, and his company makes a million dollars per year. He has no education and no work ethic, but he had opportunity he walked into.

Another example I have a relative who works in a factory 70 hours per week, 7 days per week. He has a HS degree, he makes $9 dollars per hour and kills himself just to pay rent and electric, no spending money. Hes very intelligent, he has applied for Dozens of better paying jobs, no ones hiring, he keeps trying.

I have friends with a HS degree who work in trades who make double what I do. I guess they just worked harder then someone like myself??

Now 23 million "Reported" people are Unemployed in the United States, Id be willing to be the rate is millions higher if it were calculated correctly. Regardless of race, and work ethic, the markets are saturated for good jobs. To believe that 23 million people simply did not "work hard" enough or have enough ambition is utter stupidity. Do you think that the majority of those people did not work themselves to the bone or have "educations" when they were let go.

Can you not clearly see, we are in economic crisis on the brink of economic collapse, the corporations and richer are the only ones getting richer and richer, and you simply cannot get blood from a stone.

And sure there are lazy slobs everywhere. I'm sure out of those 23 million+ there are people who really do not want to work and have no ambition like you are saying, and those who abuse the system, welfare, food stamps, etc...It will always happen.

I am also a Personal Trainer. I work very hard and could be considered an expert after this many years into what I have been doing and my experience. Companies like Planet Fitness and other major corporations take my clients because of cost. I cannot compete privately with someone who charges $20 dollars per hour and pays their PT's who suck most of the time. But yet I cannot make what I deserve in an economy like this. Maybe I can go work for them and collect 12 dollars per hour?? Guess I am just too lazy, not ambitious and uneducated. Maybe if I was a minority it would be handed to me on a silver platter? I think not :greedy:

I havent read anything but that first line i highlighted and I beleiev he was only specificly speaking of school because metal brought school up specificly, i dont think anyone said school was the only way to be successful, i think he was just saying if ur going to bitch about school access, then look to yourself to work hard.
I havent read anything but that first line i highlighted and I beleiev he was only specificly speaking of school because metal brought school up specificly, i dont think anyone said school was the only way to be successful, i think he was just saying if ur going to bitch about school access, then look to yourself to work hard.

Yep I know he didn't mean school was the "only" way, but even still, even hard work can't always get you where you need to be, I know so many people who work 2 jobs or 60 hours per week, and are just trapped. I find that is it the people who tend to have good paying jobs and are fortunate enough combined with working hard to succeed that are more likely to condemn those who struggle and forget where it is they came from in the first place. And opportunity in no way is equal which was the basis of this debate.
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Actually the debate was who are you voting for,lol. And you are correct in that some poeple work their asses off and dont get where they dreamt of getting, i guess thats life
And for the record, no disrespect is intended to Jpotch or anyone else in this thread!! I know some people agree with them and some with me, and some with both, and I actually like the debate..So please know I in now way am trying to be rude, simply showing one version of it.

It actually pisses me off with our Govt to be quite honest with you, not the family here on the board, I expect people to disagree everyone here has done so very respectfully...So thats not the issue,the issue is that our POS govt has put us in the situation. With all the money we pay in taxes and they do whatever they want, pass whatever laws they want, restrict and control what it is they want, we really have no say. If you get a few minutes to watch this video, a few of you guys might actually like it :)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YZs9RDj3i7E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Actually the debate was who are you voting for,lol. And you are correct in that some poeple work their asses off and dont get where they dreamt of getting, i guess thats life

hahahaha, thats very true, it kind of has gone sidetracked...but I personally like hearing different points of view and it seems to have breathed life back into this thread!!!

Remember the days when Politics and Religion were not allowed here and BigA from ProMuscle made a whole other forum called "world views" or something like that and we would all go there and blast each other, come back on here and respect each other 100%!! Too funny :)
well im only five minutes into the video, but i know ron paul and actually like him a lot! and I know his policies and beliefs though some far fetched,lol. In any case I think we all know how fucked up this country is Wes
Oh and one of the biggest problems with this country is the Privatization of Prisons, We house more prisoners then all the other countries combined! Why, because its now a money making scheme and judges have already been convicted of taking kick backs from prisons and detention centers for sentencing people who didnt deserve it. So yeah this country is just fucked up, but it beats some of the alternatives.
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