Possibly Gyno already?


New member
current cycle is

Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

Im only midway of week 2.

Today I woke up with my right nipple itching pretty badly. Only the right nipple...

I feel no bumps, just itching.. is it possible to have developed gyno so quickly 1.5weeks into a cycle)?

Unfortunately, the only PCT I have on hand is nolvadex and Im now reading some complications of using nolva on progesterone gyno?

you won't be able to tell if it's the test or the tren but you CAN control progesterone gyno with drugs such as dostinex and/or bromocryptine
thanks Mike... Ive gone ahead and taken the 40mg of nolva and im gona order the MC dostinex just incase

Do you suggest I take the nolva (or dostinex) throughout the cycle? Or should I stop if my nipple stops itching?

Im thinking 20mg nolva EOD wouldnt hurt
I would take 40mg ED until you're sure it's going away or gone and then take 20mg ED for the rest of your cycle. better safe than sorry