Pre Mix Sustanon


New member
Hi guys. I just wanted to ask a simple question about the Pre Mix Sustanon.
Do I have to brew it like just like any other powder such as Test E or Cypio?
I havent seen a recipe around for the premix powder.
i didn't know powder was sold with all 4 testosterone variations in it, and I'm not really up to par on home brewing but I'm sure someone knows the answer to this
Hi PG...yesterday I recieved my order of the premix Sustanon. I really would appreciate your recipe. To be honest with you I dont want to mess. I went thru the powder calculator of bkonline and it gave me the numbers.But is it accurate for Sustanon premix? I want to make 100ml.
is your sust premix a powder?
There was a post where guys were getting Enthanate in their sust and that's not sust and requires a different recipe.
The sust powder should be all powder form.
My Sust is a powder.I haven't opened it yet but noticed that the test-e that I orderd was solid. When I came back from my job the test-e wasn't so solid afterwards. The temperature at may home is around 78-80 degrees. I live a a tropical Island.
Yes Giru has a good recipe. I would use the same one as Test P. use about 10% BB and 2% BA. If you can make at least 30ml batches at a time. I don't recommend big batches because if it gets screwed up or theres a problem your not out the whole batch.

Sust varies a lot but the fast acting short esters make it where any Test P/Primo recipe will work.
eyy raymele, my recipe was advice from PowderGuy and his article about the BA and BB. Have you finally brewed?How it went?