

New member
have anyone used this new protien its works pretty good its call countdown its a post workout protien and the taste aint bad at all i bought it from the GNC store.
We all use protein powder.

If you bought yours from GNC you got ripped off bro'

They charge you double what other places cost. GNC is a ripoff.
Eactxly, why pay for the nice looking store. I dont care at all about that. I care about the prduct and how much i can save.
where do you guys usually go internet wise to get your protein shakes and what kind do u use? I'm tired of the GNC Rip-off too, i take myoplex deluxe
sonoma_8 said:
where do you guys usually go internet wise to get your protein shakes and what kind do u use? I'm tired of the GNC Rip-off too, i take myoplex deluxe

Best prices around and really high quality protein. Great customer service.
I would have agree, GNC is a rip off. However, I own a supplement store, my prices are on average 30% less expensive than GNC and I offer folks free advice on diet info. Weightloss and weightgain. If you guys have a locally owned store thats quality and affordable, your doing yourself and your community a disservice by shopping the internet to save a dime. Just my .02, no offense intended.
Smackdaddy, that is a little bit of a stretch of logic. That is like saying that people should not use computers to make managing the work load easier, they should hire another person to take up the slack. I'm not trying to offend you either, that is just the way I feel.

I do use local distributors for some of my supplement needs, but, it is because their rates are better than paying shipping from the net. I'm not paying more than I need to for and equal product.
EatingMachine, I understand where your coming from bro. I don't want to pay more than I have to either.

I just don't understand why a guy would take his cash out of his community to save a few bucks. Isn't the added conveince of being able to pick something up locally and receiving top notch service and advice worth a few bucks, It is to me.
EatingMachine said:
C'mon guys we've all bought there. We just learned better.
right right, I found out that the internet was so much cheaper(even with shipping)so thats how I found AllTheWhey-wheelz
Originally posted by Smackdaddy Isn't the added conveince of being able to pick something up locally and receiving top notch service and advice worth a few bucks[/B]

Here are just a FEW reason why local stores will NEVER be able to sell protein as cheap as online.

You have to pay rental fees for the store
You have to pay employees to work there
You have to pay store insurance
You have to pay to stock/ship product to the store
You have to pay electricity/gas bills

Oh wait........

I'm sorry, I forgot, You're not paying for those things........ I am paying for those things........

That's why I order online........

No store
No employees
You don't have to heat a computer...
Etc.... I could go on for a while.....

If I order online, I can do it in my underwear and it will be delivered CHEAP right to my doorstep! Hey! Now that is what I call topnotch service!

Get online bro' You're missing the boat.
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Zylo said:

If I order online, I can do it in my underwear and it will be delivered CHEAP right to my doorstep! Hey! Now that is what I call topnotch service!

I definitely agree on that, why pay more and have to go get it yourself, rather than have it shipped to you by ordering on line, and the most it takes might be 3-6 days or even less depending where the warehouse is... So definitely online and save $$ and still get good quality supplement delivery to your doorstep, rather than go to some place, pay more$$ and get it your self and be disappointed because the damn powder tastes like cough syrup or the original Nyquil!! YAK YAK!! from you know where, Gyno Nutrition Center (GNC)
Smackdaddy said:
I would have agree, GNC is a rip off. However, I own a supplement store, my prices are on average 30% less expensive than GNC and I offer folks free advice on diet info. Weightloss and weightgain. If you guys have a locally owned store thats quality and affordable, your doing yourself and your community a disservice by shopping the internet to save a dime. Just my .02, no offense intended.

If you want to at least double your cost for lower grade protein and supplements, go the local route. But if you want the highest quality product for the least amount of money, order online. For example, a 2lb tub of protein is anywhere from 20.00 to 44.00 of a lesser grade protein, you can buy our high quality whey proteins between 8.00 and 14.00 for 2lbs at some places online. Considering, on a yearly basis many people go through a tub of protein a week, you’re looking at a savings of roughly 624.00 – 1562.00 a year and that is only for your protein intake, imagine the total savings with supplements included.