"Roid Rage"

I don't really get to worked up. Sometime I do but more often I find myself so occupied with gains, that I forget the small things. It's been my experience that my mood is just enhanced. I like to have a good time, so it has just worked out for me.
And they all act like u can just take steroids and body transforms. They have no clue that the work is involved no matter what. My wife has watched me and learned this. She even now has learned I don't even take much compared to most heavy cycles. She has her favorite compounds she likes the look they give me.lol
Deca and testosterone with dbol. That is her favorite look I get. But she has learned I love working out and being able to do anything and keep up with 20 year olds, she has learned that steroids help me recover and heal but the work is required to get the result. She also learned or witnessed my mood and ways of aggression are from my personality not from gear use.
Cool to have a wife that gets it isn't brother. My wife also has her favorites for me to be on.

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My ex girlfriend I had was an idiot, whenever I tried explaining steroids and how they worked to her shed always cut me off and keep saying "they are bad for you" so I told her I stopped but I actually just hid them in my sock dresser and would inject while she was asleep, but then she started getting suspicious cause I would flip ut and get paranoid a lot, she said it was roid rage but I personally believe it was that I just couldn't trust her and I was right, she was a cheating lying whore
Yea lying about it sux I did that for awhile got caught almost lost the best thing that had ever happened to me (that being my wife) so we talked I explained how important this is been good since.

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U got that right. Any relationship has to have trust and we have to be honest or else we feel guilty and if we caught hiding it then they don't understand and think we are like a drug addict or something and no telling what else we are hiding.
It's just important to find someone we trust if the younger guys are not ready to settle down do not tell girlfriend if we are making a family and wife then better to tell and talk to to keep things honest.
The whole "roid rage" thing was used against me as a low blow. I asked my wife what are u gonna do once u ruin me and my reputation and what your family thinks of me? She learned her lesson with that but for years it was used as a low blow and it provoked me. Once it all stopped I shown them (her family) my trt script and said look this is legal for medical reasons. And yes it's a steroids so technically I am on steroids and sometimes I takeam little more just like when u drink more than anyone should and y'all take each other's pain medicine. How would yall call yall a drug addict or pill head or a drink? Then stop with the steroid trash talk please because if yall don't want me mad and pissed then why or yall low blowing me with trash talk that only makes anyone mad. And my children don't need to hear about this one day. I have been sober for 10 years I live a good life I am honest and a good member of society a good husband and an excellent father. I give my family my kids and step kids my turn and I want nothing if they can't have what they need. Sometimes we gotta showork our good side and we can win that way. But I do practice being calmer and getting mad and pissed even though we all do sometimes gets us nowhere
my girlfriend should read this thread... I never though roid rage existed until I met her. crazy bitch. shes 10 weeks into an anavar cycle at 20mg's a day and I swair to god you'de think she was on a gram of tren ace and halotestin. Shes naturally a pretty feisty chick but hot damn this shits gone to a whole other level.

she clipped my balls a long time ago. its all good don't need em anyway because of the exogenous test.

for real, I could run as much gear as I want and I get more chilled out, she just turns into a wacky bitch. I've been getting frustrated with her lately, need to come on here and talk some shit. I could tell her shes being a crazy bitch and shed just agree with me. She knows what its doing to her.

thankfully the cycles about over, so i'm hoping she goes back to sweet and pleasant soon. succubus fire breathing dragon.
Lol! Trek. If u wanna hear something funny it this. When I am on a blast I do get to where I will put up with less shit. My wife she doesn't like that I stand up to her more. So she provokes me this fucking game and once I am pissed she raves about my rage. Well what's funny is especially on tren its worse, it's like my body releases a pheromone that gets her off. She never used gear but my hormones levels definitely twist hers up because she gets into these rages of desperation to control. Then because I can have sex constantly she demands photos of where I am with screen shot of photo details showing time and location then if I start to get ED usually after 12-14 weeks on she gets worse about it. I gotta send these photos or she will drive me nuts and I don't wants my kids around her that way so I send them to secure her. But it's me who rages huh!