shoulder injuries advice


New member
After nearly two years fu(king around with a minor supraspinatus tear i started working on my posture and my inner abdominal stabilizers. my shoulder seemed to get better overnight with no need for the excessive stretching i needed to do to get a good range of motion. i just concentrate on keeping the right curves in my back and my shoulders dont click they used to. i am now finally looking forward to a lifetime of training hard which means alot to me.

it might be just me that it worked for but just thought it may help some bros.
My shoulder clicks when i rotate, so bench really herts it, i get a burning sensation down both arms. Is this the same type of pain you were getting. If so changing the arch in my back can make this go away?
that is similar to how my injury began so whatever you do don't ignore it! i don't wanna give you medical advice bro cos i'm not qualified but i'll tell you my story.
june 2001 i noticed a pain in my shoulder after benching which i was well overtraining. it kept getting worse and i kept thinking it was cos i didn't warm up. eventaully one day while using dumbells for my presses i just got some real sharp pains in my left shoulder and lost control of the DB. it turns out that it had a minor partial tear of the supraspinatus which showed up in xrays and ultrasound scans. i nursed my shoulder( i.e. didn't use it at all) for about a month after i did it before going to a physical therapist. he said it wasn't too bad and a few months i would bve training hard. it turned into over a year and i changed PT's a few times but the recover so slow. i was getting some strenght but still couldn't lift it all the way up cos of impingement.then i found this guy who didn't even want to work on my shoulder, he just said my posture was wrong and that probably what caused my bad benching form in the first place and subsequentally the injury. so as we speak i have started back in the gym concentrating in maintaining spine stabilty and a good balance of all muscles being trained.

with my posture i concentrate in pushing my hips forward by sqeezing my buttocks. knees slightly bent. down the bottom of your breastbone in between your two upper abs theres that little pointy bit of bone, i try to visulaise i'm pushing that forward and up a bit. my shoulders go back and down and i push the back of my head directly up.

when benching i read in a weight training technique book that you set your shoulder blades down and back and keep them stabalized thru the press. trying to keep your spine fairly flat i think. i'm still working ot out myself what feels best and i will continue to go light until i am sure i won't be damaging the shoulder.

i hope this helps, the best thing to do id find a personal trainer or physical therapist that knows this stuff.
Damn man I envy you because I been suffering with supraspinatus tendonitus and It is extremely painful to do and standing curls or flat bench, it is also very painful to do anty shoulder exercise with any weight.... when I do shoulders I use the 10lb bumbells..... and if my shoulder didnt hurt I would be using the 85lb..... no matter whatI do I cant beat it..
Yeah, mine is painful on chest and tri day, and shoulder day. I think im gonna start working out with lighter weight, and not put a huge arch in my back. I dont know what to do, i just know its not as bad as when i strained my rotator cuff, i couldnt curl 15lb dumbbells that sucked, no chest work out for 3 weeks, and i just came off my cycle. so i lost everything :anger:
I believe weight has very little to do with the pain I think the range of motion is what puts the pain in the shoulder
because mine hurts at work and im a computer programmer
Hey bud feel your pain. Had a simliar injury it takes months to years to recoup and lots of PT. My Shoulder is still not 100% but 95% isn't bad.
Well it only hurts with pushing exercises, doesnt hurt when doing flys. Went 4x10 reps on incline, then incline flys, pec dec and deep dips
my shoulder has been screwed up for years . . . at least 10 years now. i use to lift heavy and had to change it up. as you get older those little aches and pains take longer to heal. recuperation time is longer. i was recently training for a bench comp and tore my outter peck/shoulder. it was mostly from inconsistant workouts. your shoulder pain sounds very commom and appears just as mine. i always blamed it on heavy incline beches. when doing shoulders, i use to have to hold my arm in the other hand after a set of db lat raises. it was like an unbelievable tooth ache. one thing i know screwed it up was heavy power upright rows. it's very easy to pull the muscle (tendons or whatever) away from the bone leaving microfractures around the colar bone. they probably won't even show up in an xray. my advice is totally switch your routine to rehab. do db's as opposed to barbell. go light and just get a lot of blood to the muscle. listen to your body and know the difference between soreness and injury pain. don't push past it cause it'll haunt you later on and will only get worse. dude, we're all in the same boat when it comes to shoulders. my gym has a high incline which emphasizes more of the shoulders. i pop a 2x4 under the seat to decrease the angle. take it easy bro. it'll heal.
Yeah, I've had two surgeries for chronic sublexation of the left shoulder. The cartillage ripped off the end of my bone and they had to pin it back on. It's like a minor dislocation that goes back by itself after a few minutes. I can't military press and I'm EXTREMELY catious when doing fly's and stuff of that nature. Good luck with the shoulder injuries guys, I feel your pain!
dude, most of us have screwed up our shoulders. i think it one of those things 99% of us go through. one is extemely fortunate not to hurt it. i don't know if you're into lifting heavy but i had to change my routines to light-moderate weight. i get an unbelievable pump and look much better. it's tough to get the heavy weights out of your mind. every year i start feeling good and put more weight on the bar and lift heavier then the shoulder kicks me in the ass and i have to start all over again. one good thing about lifting is you can change your routine to still be able to lift. for most of us, lifting is a way of life. even if you go light it's better than not lifting at all. i once read an article on a pro bodybuilder who does NOT believe in heavy workouts. he does everything light-moderat to failure. aside from him hitt'n growth and every other a/s out there, he's a pro and obviously looks awesome. take it one day at a time.
my shoulders bother the shit out of me if I don't warm up my rotator cuffs before working out - whether it's chest day or shoulder day.......