Heres my deal, i started a 12 week cycle test e and igf. Well i bought a bottle of test from my distributor and it was his last test e. He said he would get another one for me. I was doing 400 mg a week and 20 mcg of igf. Well i used up the bottle and he says hes out of test e. I had to leave town for family emergency thn i go back to work. So ill be away from the house for over a month. Well all he had was sustanon so i got that off his hands. Its 250mg 30mg of propionate 60 mg isocaproate 60 mg phenylpropiate 100 mg deca. I was thinking of just doing 500 mg a week 2 shots a week. Thatll use it up in 6 weeks to complete my 12 week cycle.