Synthetine, Syntherol, Synthepure and Synthergine


New member
Synthetek now do European shipping so I ordered some supplies and figured I would use this thread to present my findings and log my progress. I will be running synthetine at 4-5ml per day dosed pre and post workout to start. Syntherol I will be dosing in my calves starting at 0.5ml per inj but this time just dosed in 4 spots per calf each day. I plan to later move up to 1ml per inj site and possibly 1.5ml depending upon future progress. I figured to keep things varied I would include recipes for fruit smoothies I make with my synthepure whey isolate. I will also be running synthergine for liver support but nothing I can really report with that unless I can get future blood tests.

I didn't order any syntherol as I had a few bottles from the past but my calves could do with it so adding that in too. I planned to start this thread a few days ago but have had issues getting pins in my new home. I have already started the synthegine and I love the feeling it gives me. I notice my eyes go really white on it... whiter than they ever get when off it. I will start the synthetine at 2ml (400mg) pre workout 2moro. The syntherol I will start in just under a week as I am waiting on more pins. Synthepure I will be opening 2moro too. Expect lots of updates and progress pics and I welcome anyone else using any of the same products to chime in with their experiences.

I am hoping I can get really ripped adding the synthetine to my current aas stack. I added in the adrol recently but everything else I have been running since the start of my cycle. My cycle is 50mg test c, 40mg tren a, 40mg mast e and 50mg adrol per day.
Synthetek now do European shipping so I ordered some supplies and figured I would use this thread to present my findings and log my progress. I will be running synthetine at 4-5ml per day dosed pre and post workout to start. Syntherol I will be dosing in my calves starting at 0.5ml per inj but this time just dosed in 4 spots per calf each day. I plan to later move up to 1ml per inj site and possibly 1.5ml depending upon future progress. I figured to keep things varied I would include recipes for fruit smoothies I make with my synthepure whey isolate. I will also be running synthergine for liver support but nothing I can really report with that unless I can get future blood tests.

I didn't order any syntherol as I had a few bottles from the past but my calves could do with it so adding that in too. I planned to start this thread a few days ago but have had issues getting pins in my new home. I have already started the synthegine and I love the feeling it gives me. I notice my eyes go really white on it... whiter than they ever get when off it. I will start the synthetine at 2ml (400mg) pre workout 2moro. The syntherol I will start in just under a week as I am waiting on more pins. Synthepure I will be opening 2moro too. Expect lots of updates and progress pics and I welcome anyone else using any of the same products to chime in with their experiences.

I am hoping I can get really ripped adding the synthetine to my current aas stack. I added in the adrol recently but everything else I have been running since the start of my cycle. My cycle is 50mg test c, 40mg tren a, 40mg mast e and 50mg adrol per day.

Welcome to bro.
You are using test c ed or test p? Test c is a long acting ester and can be dosed 1x wk or 2x wk @ 350 mg if that is your goal. Test p has to be run ed or eod. It depends on your goals.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I have always done training and peptide logs. I done a syntherol log in my calves a awhile back too. I figured after ordering I might as well do one for this as it keeps me accountable so I don't drift off path :D

Iron-Game yes I usually dose long estered test twice weekly. I mainly use test e or test p but as it's been awhile I thought I would run test c this time. I am dosing it ed as I am using slin pins for all injs and doing it ed means I can fit in all in one slin pin ed. Although I do like to dose even long estered test frequently at times. Frequent injections will actually help lower possible aromatization and during trt can mean (not for everyone) the need for an AI is void.

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To test the waters I dosed 1ml synthetine pre workout today. I am waiting on pins so thats another factor too (just have slin pins now). It's is like water and flows through a 30G slin pin easily. I have never had an easier injection... it's like injecting bac water but with no string. I have read a few times about guys saying it really brings out vascularity post injection and they weren't kidding! I then left my flat but had a few things to do so slightly later dosed 50mg adrol and had a double espresso and had a great workout.

Gonna dose my synthergine pre bed and plan to open my tub of synthepure 2moro. I plan to use the protein for 2 meals in the day... it will always be mixed with a selection of fruits. I will get some pics up over the weekend too.
Hey Elvia. Good to see you here. How is life in Switzerland? Synthetic products rock.

It's great to be here :) I am loving life in Switzerland and have settled in. I just need to learn French so I can communicate with my gf's family and well everyone. Although I have gotten by fine so far with just English. I have just joined a new gym and that is great too... expensive but great :D
Long ago I used to help with a newsletter and would write about different topics every month. One month I wrote about synthergine so will post it here as it contains some info on it's ingredients. It's not the best article but here you go.


Synthergine is a liver detoxifier made by Synthetek industries based in Australia. I have used the product numerous times over the years. Every time I use it I simply feel healthier. I feel a general boost in energy and vitality, an increase in appetite and notice my eyes go bright white. I notice these things because in my experience I consider this the best liver tonic in the world. It really is an elixir for the bodybuilder and I completely recommend it. Synthergine can be used all year round for effective protection of the liver. Although if you can only take it at certain times I would especially recommend it for when using oral steroids, pro hormones or other toxic drugs. I am currently injured and using a few painkillers so this is another excellent time to utilize synthergine's excellent detoxifying power.

Synthergine is made up of a number of very interesting ingredients. I will go through them and explain some of the benefits they create for the bodybuilder. Arginine hydrochloride supports the liver by generating urea that is vital for the removal of ammonia and other toxic substances via urination. It is also essential for when the body makes creatine. Creatine is a great tool for the bodybuilder as it enables more high intensity work and overall energy, enhances recovery, increases muscle volumization and provides better muscle contractions. The problem is creatine gets broken down into creatinine at a constant rate. However Arginine helps inhibit creatine breakdown and it also helps process nitrogen, a chemical needed for muscle growth.

Lysine Hydrochloride is added as it helps with overall healing in the body. It also provides a major role in the bodies production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. This acid is excellent for helping the body fully absorb calcium as well as reducing the symptoms of herpes simplex infections (cold sores etc). Interestingly Lysine and Arginine have an antagonistic relationship with one another that results in lysine being able to reduce arginine's ability to help synthesize certain proteins. However lots of research has been completed that shows when combined they assist one another greatly when it comes to building muscle and spiking gh levels. The combination of Lysine and Arginine really interest me as I have seen many studies suggesting they are effective for numerous things. Smriga M et al. (2007) displayed how when combined they significantly reduced both trait anxiety and state anxiety. Moreover they both lowered basal levels of salivary cortisol.

Di-isopropylamine Dichloroacetate (DADA) aids in the detoxification of metallic and chemical metabolites. It also increases cortical glucose uptake and oxygen utilization. There is increasing documentation on DADA's incredible liver conditioning abilities. Lu LG et al. (2005) looked into DADA's effects on nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases. Over a treatment period of 8 weeks, both high and low dosage groups showed dramatic improvements in clinical symptoms, serum lipids and liver alteration severity. Most patients had their ALT numbers normalize by the end of the 8 week treatment. Moreover in all dosage groups no severe drug reactions were found and only 2 cases (1.4%) experienced any negative reaction and that was dryness of the mouth.

Sodium glucuronate enables the body to metabolize all the drugs a bodybuilder will take. These along with other toxins we take in are a strain for the liver. Glucuronic acid will be linked to each in order to make them more water soluble so they can be eliminated through urination. When your taking in drugs such as oral steroids the liver is working overtime to process everything. Glucuronate supplementation helps the liver process everything and improves overall liver function.

Methionine hydrochloride helps with the overall function of the liver, reduces inflammation, can treat depression and help with certain muscle pains. It's good for depression as it plays a very important part during the creation and breakdown of brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Interestingly people with certain liver diseases always have deficiencies in sulphur containing amino acids such as methionine. That fact shows the importance of such amino acids in the overall functioning of a healthy liver. The sulphur provided by methionine is vital for body metabolism and growth. Furthermore without enough sulphur we can not make use of many antioxidants. I am a keen believer in the use of antioxidants for the bodybuilder so it is wise to ensure the ones we intake can be utilized effectively.

Estrogen can be a big issue for the androgen using bodybuilder due to aromatization. Methionine can actually convert the stronger and carcinogenic estradiol into estriol. This is of great use for the aas using bodybuilder. Moreover since estrogen is cleared through the liver, an enhanced liver function will reduce the body’s estrogen load.

Methionine is converted into s-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) in the liver. Infact half of all methionine in the body is used in the liver to make SAMe. This is done for a reason as SAMe is the livers best friend and it even has special SAMe enzymes just for regenerating tissue. SAMe later transforms itself into glutathione. Glutathione is one of the most important things for health. It recharges other antioxidants, thus protecting our cells from free-radical-induced damage.

As you can see the liver has a tough job and we don't help. Synthergine with its clever list of ingredients will help you improve your general health and keep your liver working optimally. Our bodies are fascinating things and each day millions of processes go on inside us. I completely recommend adding in synthergine to help your body work the best it can. Recently I see Synthetek have improved the refining process so synthergine is now purer than it once was. It no longer contains any color or possible impurities of the manufacturing process.

1. Smriga M, Ando T, Akutsu M, Furukawa Y, Miwa K, Morinaga Y (2007) Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans. PMID: 17510493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].
2. Lu LG, Zeng MD, Mao YM, Chen CW, Fu QC, Wang JY, Xie WF, Fan JG (2005) [Diisopropylamine dichloroacetate in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a multicenter random double-blind controlled trial]. PMID: 15727691 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].

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Your welcome to write for us

What do you mean matey?
Last edited:
i mean your welcome to write articles for us, new original content written by you. New Original Content is ranked and indexed well on Google and we have Google spiders crawling and indexing our site daily around the clock and new content gets picked up fast here! SO more specifically I was trying to say if you wanna write new original articles for us, we can work something out pay wise! I would love to have a writer or two on staff here at ! So if writing is your thing or hobby then maybe we can work something out! And I would feature it on our front news page and send it out with a monthly newsletter of our own
i mean your welcome to write articles for us, new original content written by you. New Original Content is ranked and indexed well on Google and we have Google spiders crawling and indexing our site daily around the clock and new content gets picked up fast here! SO more specifically I was trying to say if you wanna write new original articles for us, we can work something out pay wise! I would love to have a writer or two on staff here at ! So if writing is your thing or hobby then maybe we can work something out! And I would feature it on our front news page and send it out with a monthly newsletter of our own

Writing is not really my thing but once I start I can't stop :D That sounds great matey so maybe we can sort something out. I am really liking this forum. I will post more but just been so busy recently.

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Yesterday was a disaster :o Nothing bad but I get ready for the gym do my shot and off I go and as I am walking realize it shut early that day :o

Today I trained chest and calves. I took 1ml synthetine pre workout and had my pre workout and I pushed it hard. Ended up doing 3 plates a side on barbell press, 50kg incline db press, 26kg db on chest dips and 26kg db flyes. Calves were mainly on the horizontal leg press and involved about 10 sets of 15 reps with 10 sec rest in between sets. I looked like a different person with the pump post workout. My vascularity has come out so much due to the synthetine. I should have taken a pic post workout but will sort one out later.
Please continue to visit us at MC Elvia. Please consider Presser's request. There are a lot of good people here that would love to soak up your knowledge.
Long ago I used to help with a newsletter and would write about different topics every month. One month I wrote about synthergine so will post it here as it contains some info on it's ingredients. It's not the best article but here you go.


Synthergine is a liver detoxifier made by Synthetek industries based in Australia. I have used the product numerous times over the years. Every time I use it I simply feel healthier. I feel a general boost in energy and vitality, an increase in appetite and notice my eyes go bright white. I notice these things because in my experience I consider this the best liver tonic in the world. It really is an elixir for the bodybuilder and I completely recommend it. Synthergine can be used all year round for effective protection of the liver. Although if you can only take it at certain times I would especially recommend it for when using oral steroids, pro hormones or other toxic drugs. I am currently injured and using a few painkillers so this is another excellent time to utilize synthergine's excellent detoxifying power.

Synthergine is made up of a number of very interesting ingredients. I will go through them and explain some of the benefits they create for the bodybuilder. Arginine hydrochloride supports the liver by generating urea that is vital for the removal of ammonia and other toxic substances via urination. It is also essential for when the body makes creatine. Creatine is a great tool for the bodybuilder as it enables more high intensity work and overall energy, enhances recovery, increases muscle volumization and provides better muscle contractions. The problem is creatine gets broken down into creatinine at a constant rate. However Arginine helps inhibit creatine breakdown and it also helps process nitrogen, a chemical needed for muscle growth.

Lysine Hydrochloride is added as it helps with overall healing in the body. It also provides a major role in the bodies production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. This acid is excellent for helping the body fully absorb calcium as well as reducing the symptoms of herpes simplex infections (cold sores etc). Interestingly Lysine and Arginine have an antagonistic relationship with one another that results in lysine being able to reduce arginine's ability to help synthesize certain proteins. However lots of research has been completed that shows when combined they assist one another greatly when it comes to building muscle and spiking gh levels. The combination of Lysine and Arginine really interest me as I have seen many studies suggesting they are effective for numerous things. Smriga M et al. (2007) displayed how when combined they significantly reduced both trait anxiety and state anxiety. Moreover they both lowered basal levels of salivary cortisol.

Di-isopropylamine Dichloroacetate (DADA) aids in the detoxification of metallic and chemical metabolites. It also increases cortical glucose uptake and oxygen utilization. There is increasing documentation on DADA's incredible liver conditioning abilities. Lu LG et al. (2005) looked into DADA's effects on nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases. Over a treatment period of 8 weeks, both high and low dosage groups showed dramatic improvements in clinical symptoms, serum lipids and liver alteration severity. Most patients had their ALT numbers normalize by the end of the 8 week treatment. Moreover in all dosage groups no severe drug reactions were found and only 2 cases (1.4%) experienced any negative reaction and that was dryness of the mouth.

Sodium glucuronate enables the body to metabolize all the drugs a bodybuilder will take. These along with other toxins we take in are a strain for the liver. Glucuronic acid will be linked to each in order to make them more water soluble so they can be eliminated through urination. When your taking in drugs such as oral steroids the liver is working overtime to process everything. Glucuronate supplementation helps the liver process everything and improves overall liver function.

Methionine hydrochloride helps with the overall function of the liver, reduces inflammation, can treat depression and help with certain muscle pains. It's good for depression as it plays a very important part during the creation and breakdown of brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Interestingly people with certain liver diseases always have deficiencies in sulphur containing amino acids such as methionine. That fact shows the importance of such amino acids in the overall functioning of a healthy liver. The sulphur provided by methionine is vital for body metabolism and growth. Furthermore without enough sulphur we can not make use of many antioxidants. I am a keen believer in the use of antioxidants for the bodybuilder so it is wise to ensure the ones we intake can be utilized effectively.

Estrogen can be a big issue for the androgen using bodybuilder due to aromatization. Methionine can actually convert the stronger and carcinogenic estradiol into estriol. This is of great use for the aas using bodybuilder. Moreover since estrogen is cleared through the liver, an enhanced liver function will reduce the body’s estrogen load.

Methionine is converted into s-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) in the liver. Infact half of all methionine in the body is used in the liver to make SAMe. This is done for a reason as SAMe is the livers best friend and it even has special SAMe enzymes just for regenerating tissue. SAMe later transforms itself into glutathione. Glutathione is one of the most important things for health. It recharges other antioxidants, thus protecting our cells from free-radical-induced damage.

As you can see the liver has a tough job and we don't help. Synthergine with its clever list of ingredients will help you improve your general health and keep your liver working optimally. Our bodies are fascinating things and each day millions of processes go on inside us. I completely recommend adding in synthergine to help your body work the best it can. Recently I see Synthetek have improved the refining process so synthergine is now purer than it once was. It no longer contains any color or possible impurities of the manufacturing process.

1. Smriga M, Ando T, Akutsu M, Furukawa Y, Miwa K, Morinaga Y (2007) Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans. PMID: 17510493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].
2. Lu LG, Zeng MD, Mao YM, Chen CW, Fu QC, Wang JY, Xie WF, Fan JG (2005) [Diisopropylamine dichloroacetate in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a multicenter random double-blind controlled trial]. PMID: 15727691 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].

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What do you mean matey?
Great article Elvia1023. Synthergine sounds like a must supplement in bodybuilding arsenals. Great to have you at
Thank you everyone :) I will start posting more on the forum just been so busy recently. I am hoping to really progress this year so hopefully I can do that and you guys are great motivation so thank you for posting.
Today I dosed 1ml synthetime pre workout and 1 ml post workout. The 1st inject was IM in my left delt with no issues whatsoever. Postworkout I tried 1ml sub-q in my stomach. It went in easily and no pain like most sub-q injections. But I am really surprised as I have no lump whatsoever... looks and feels the same. With peptides I have done (very rarely) 0.4ml bac water and I usually get a bad lump but it goes away within a few hours. Nothing with 1ml so I am happy. But I am still gonna mainly do IM shots in my shoulders and arms as I don't like putting stuff in my ever expanding stomach :o:D

I am feeling great from the synthergine and I should have my pins any day now so will start my syntherol when I get them :) I didn't get a pic done but will sort that out 2moro and will update regularly with pics so everyone can see any changes.
Here are some of my items :)

I like to study in depth whatever I am using so I will include any clinical studies I find worth noting on the way.

Supplementation of L-carnitine in athletes: does it make sense?

Karlic H1, Lohninger A.

Author information
1Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Leukemia Research and Hematology, Vienna, Austria. [email protected]


Studies in athletes have shown that carnitine supplementation may foster exercise performance. As reported in the majority of studies, an increase in maximal oxygen consumption and a lowering of the respiratory quotient indicate that dietary carnitine has the potential to stimulate lipid metabolism. Treatment with L-carnitine also has been shown to induce a significant postexercise decrease in plasma lactate, which is formed and used continuously under fully aerobic conditions. Data from preliminary studies have indicated that L-carnitine supplementation can attenuate the deleterious effects of hypoxic training and speed up recovery from exercise stress. Recent data have indicated that L-carnitine plays a decisive role in the prevention of cellular damage and favorably affects recovery from exercise stress. Uptake of L-carnitine by blood cells may induce at least three mechanisms: 1) stimulation of hematopoiesis, 2) a dose-dependent inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation, and 3) the prevention of programmed cell death in immune cells. As recently shown, carnitine has direct effects in regulation of gene expression (i.e., carnitine-acyltransferases) and may also exert effects via modulating intracellular fatty acid concentration. Thus there is evidence for a beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation in training, competition, and recovery from strenuous exercise and in regenerative athletics.

PMID:15212755[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
I decided to have an off day from the gym. It will do me good as I have been training quite a lot. I am going to add in cardio tomorrow after I train back and calves. I will start doing cardio a few times per week but never longer than 20 mins each time.

I opened my synthepure the other day. It is the perfect protein for my fruit smoothies. Gonna take 200mg synthetine now and have a pineapple, lemon and whey isolate smoothie. Yesterday I had a blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, redcurrant and whey isolate smoothie. You can't get better when cutting for a healthy boost...

Just got my gf to take some pics. I shaved my body but the razor ran out so will do my arms later :D She made me feel better saying I used to be twice the size when we first met :o:D 6ft 2 haven't a clue what I weigh now.


My needles still haven't come so I will give it till Monday then phone up customs to see what needs to be done (what needs to be paid). Regardless I still dosed 2ml synthetine today pre workout. I done 1ml sub-q and 1ml im in my left delt. I then had 50mg adrol and on the way to the gym 1 1/2 scoops of pre workout and I was ready to go. I didn't have loads of time so trained fast and very hard.

I trained back and done a variety of rows and pulldowns and some pushdowns near the end. I have a bad lower back (seriously bad) and I have been trying to rehab it over the last few months. So when I done 3 plates a side on barbell row I was made up cos well I am not in hospital :D I finished my workout with calves on the horizontal leg press machine... it really hits them hard.

I have noticed the 2ml pre workout made me extra hot. I have taken that pre workout loads so know it wasn't that. Has anyone else noticed that effect when using higher doses of synthetine?

Tonight I am feeling great. Post workout I had steak with a multiseed baguette. Then I had some porridge with banana pieces, raisins and chocolate whey mixed in. Just had a large bifidus yogurt with 1 scoop of fruit punch eaa's mixed in for flavouring and extra protein.