Test Cypionate questions


New member
Doc has me on 180 mg Test Cypionate per week for low T treatment. Primary symptom is/was low libido and associated poor performance. Other related issues included poor sleep, lethargy, etc. Started this treatment with 150 mg and have increased in increments to the 180.

Initial result was fantastic libido and performance but that has dropped off and the science project has begun. I've gotten bigger and stronger, great workouts, gained probably 5 lbs, maybe 6 and lost a few % body fat (now right about 200 lbs and 10 or 11%). But the libido and poor performance is killing me. Been on this program maybe 5 months?

The experiments have included taking Anastrozol, 0.5 mg per week in two doses (half tablet the day I get my shot and another half midway through the week), which bottomed out my estrogen level to 20. Since have stopped the Anastrozol for 4 weeks and retested: test level around 850, estrogen 30. Also taking HCG twice per week, once with the cypionate shot and once midway through the week (been doing this for about 4 months). So far, no real improvement in libido or performance and have resorted to little blue pills as needed.

I'm 44, in good health and good shape, workout regularly, play hockey occasionally and ride a desk at work.

I've started to wonder if I should be cycling this stuff and doing some sort of Pre and Post cycle therapy program. I have zero experoence with anabolics. Any thoughts?
Doc has me on 180 mg Test Cypionate per week for low T treatment. Primary symptom is/was low libido and associated poor performance. Other related issues included poor sleep, lethargy, etc. Started this treatment with 150 mg and have increased in increments to the 180.

Initial result was fantastic libido and performance but that has dropped off and the science project has begun. I've gotten bigger and stronger, great workouts, gained probably 5 lbs, maybe 6 and lost a few % body fat (now right about 200 lbs and 10 or 11%). But the libido and poor performance is killing me. Been on this program maybe 5 months?

The experiments have included taking Anastrozol, 0.5 mg per week in two doses (half tablet the day I get my shot and another half midway through the week), which bottomed out my estrogen level to 20. Since have stopped the Anastrozol for 4 weeks and retested: test level around 850, estrogen 30. Also taking HCG twice per week, once with the cypionate shot and once midway through the week (been doing this for about 4 months). So far, no real improvement in libido or performance and have resorted to little blue pills as needed.

I'm 44, in good health and good shape, workout regularly, play hockey occasionally and ride a desk at work.

I've started to wonder if I should be cycling this stuff and doing some sort of Pre and Post cycle therapy program. I have zero experoence with anabolics. Any thoughts?

You might want to switch to another testosterone ester, maybe switch to enanthate or propionate, not sure if your doctor can do that for ya or not, but sounds like maybe your receptors are saturated with the cypionate ester, as 5 months is a pretty good time to switch, however you really should still see the libido doing well even after 5 months straight of cypionate, so maybe its something else

I know you said Libido, but i wanna be sure, as some guys confuse libido issues, so are you saying your DESIRE for sex has diminished? or your desire is still there and your dick just isn't getting hard?? If the Desire is still there then its not your LIBIDO, its simply an erectile issue, which could be from an enlarged prostate which goes hand and hand with taking testosterone, the enlarged prostate can lead to your not being able to get a good solid hard on, so you may wanna look into prosate care

Now if the DESIRE to have sex is gone, then it is you Libido and i would have to say with some certainty that you need to switch to another testosterone ester!

Welcome to MC
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A perfect cycle to consider for your issue is testosterone propionate, masterone propionate, provirone 50 mgs/d. You will have an over the top sex drive.

You can add in halotestin also wich will give you a sort of animalistic feeling. Very powerful and good for the libido. No additional estrogen blockers needed.
Are you injecting once or twice a week. I find twice a week works better to keep a constant hormone level and avoids the roller coaster of highs and lows....you may want to try a cycle of 500mg per week. After my 1st cycle my libido went through the roof even after I went back to my trt dose of 150mg.my last run was 750mg/week and I had to back down becouse wife couldn't keep up...;)
E3D or twice a week is better to keep constant level. And a this dose you will lower the sides.
I should have been more specific. "Libido" is the wrong term, in general the DESIRE for sex is there most of the time. The issue is, the little bastard either doesn't work at all or gives up part way through and can't finish the job. Other times it sorta works but is weak. Still others, it works like nothing's wrong at all.

Prostate: I disremember what doc looks at on the bloodwork but he says the prostate indicator looks good. Is this adequate? Or is some other check worth doing? Also, is there some supplement(s) I should be taking for prostate support? Will have to reread all the replies, perhaps this was addressed.

I should add that the Dangling Disappointment is not for lack of effort on my wife's part; she does her part and does it well so that's certainly not the issue.

Thanks for the welcome and for all the feedback.

So, I see recomme.dations for alternates, but still not clear on whether I ought to be cycling on and off... Am I better off to keep experimenting until I find something that works? Or cycle off, do some sort of PCT (no idea what that might look like) and do over?
The thing my doctor pointed out what its psychological, in essence you can take all the test you want, all the viagra and cialis you want but until you psychology change and have the mental desire you will face the same issues.
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I should have been more specific. "Libido" is the wrong term, in general the DESIRE for sex is there most of the time. The issue is, the little bastard either doesn't work at all or gives up part way through and can't finish the job. Other times it sorta works but is weak. Still others, it works like nothing's wrong at all.

Prostate: I disremember what doc looks at on the bloodwork but he says the prostate indicator looks good. Is this adequate? Or is some other check worth doing? Also, is there some supplement(s) I should be taking for prostate support? Will have to reread all the replies, perhaps this was addressed.

I should add that the Dangling Disappointment is not for lack of effort on my wife's part; she does her part and does it well so that's certainly not the issue.

Thanks for the welcome and for all the feedback.

So, I see recomme.dations for alternates, but still not clear on whether I ought to be cycling on and off... Am I better off to keep experimenting until I find something that works? Or cycle off, do some sort of PCT (no idea what that might look like) and do over?

well then its simply a blood flow issue brutha, more cardio helps, quit smoking if u smoke , and get more tests run for prostate, their cold be a number of factors for not getting good wood, but they all come down to blood flow, circulation, ect..
PCT is to get your natural test back. If you are done having kids don't bother you are going to be on TRT sex drive should be there you just won't be as fertile my friend. I would follow the advice and switch esters. If your doctor won't prescribe other esters. Just buy some via "other routes" or muscle forum "sponsors" :rolleyes: and stockpile the cypionate for later use.
"Do you want to have more babies?"


I've tried cialis also, and also a bunk firework. I was told it's better suited for "older guys". Viagra SURE ENOUGH does the trick but would rather not have to rely on that. I guess what's the difference, rely on that vs sticking a pin in my ass, right??

I'll inquire about the other variations of test and see wbat he says. If he says "no" I'll maybe see about alternate sources. I may be moving out of state and need to see about alternate sources anyway.
2.5 mg ED would work.

i think i have 5mg cialis pills i take daily, doctor said it would help my prostate and pis flow and it sure does help with piss flow, so I'm guessing it might be helping with my prostate, i don't know lol
I should have been more specific. "Libido" is the wrong term, in general the DESIRE for sex is there most of the time. The issue is, the little bastard either doesn't work at all or gives up part way through and can't finish the job. Other times it sorta works but is weak. Still others, it works like nothing's wrong at all.

Prostate: I disremember what doc looks at on the bloodwork but he says the prostate indicator looks good. Is this adequate? Or is some other check worth doing? Also, is there some supplement(s) I should be taking for prostate support? Will have to reread all the replies, perhaps this was addressed.

I should add that the Dangling Disappointment is not for lack of effort on my wife's part; she does her part and does it well so that's certainly not the issue.

Thanks for the welcome and for all the feedback.

So, I see recommendations for alternates, but still not clear on whether I ought to be cycling on and off... Am I better off to keep experimenting until I find something that works? Or cycle off, do some sort of PCT (no idea what that might look like) and do over?

Where do I begin.. We are about the same age except that I am a veteran of TRT/HRT, going on 15 years this June. I've been to a few different doctors for it, and they all have treated it differently. Because of these differences, I had to become very educated about the subject myself. I found that only one of my doctors so far knew what he was doing.

Presser is correct that the prostate can affect performance because of enlargement. A urologist would have to do the dreaded finger exam to physically know if you have an enlarged prostate. Even if you don't have significant enlargement yet, it doesn't mean that it isn't happening and affecting things. I have experienced the same symptoms with performance, and I do have some prostate enlargement. Prior doctors did nothing for this. The good doc I had put me on 2.5 - 5mg daily Cialis. You can get by with 2.5mg daily, but he gave me the choice of using 5mg if I felt I needed it.

You don't want to be cycling off the testosterone. You're on it for a reason. I originally started out with 300mg/week, and I experienced the same thing.. performance and gains dropped off about 5-6 months into it. The body does get used to it and receptors get saturated.. it essentially becomes your testosterone as if you produced it yourself. The body likes equilibrium. You'll keep having to revisit dosages and adjust. Good docs know that just putting testosterone levels in the accepted range doesn't mean anything. You have to get to the level that makes you feel best. For some, that can be 200mg/week, others less, and even others need more. I'm in the more category. I feel best on a regular dosage of 300-400mg/week, and having been on for as long as I have, even my blood tests for the last few years have started to indicate this.

Estrogen—this is one big area that many docs know nothing about. You need a certain level of estrogen to function. When you go on TRT, the larger amount you're putting in will start to convert to estrogen because as I said earlier, the body likes equilibrium. It tries to balance the testosterone/estrogen ratios. You don't necessarily want to block all estrogen conversion or the body will try that much harder to make it. The good doc put me on a dosage of Clomid, 50mg/week. Clomid is itself a type of estrogen. The body sees it and believes it already has estrogen so conversion is drastically reduced. And, the estrogen receptors get occupied by the Clomid which blocks the real estrogen. I used to get acne terribly until I had this.

You can add in halotestin also wich will give you a sort of animalistic feeling. Very powerful and good for the libido. No additional estrogen blockers needed.

Changing testosterone esters isn't really necessary, but again the good doc I mentioned that knew what he was doing put me on both test cyp and halotestin because it treats the TRT problem from two routes. It did work wonders for libido while I was on it.

The thing my doctor pointed out what its psychological, in essence you can take all the test you want, all the viagra and cialis you want but until you psychology change and have the mental desire you will face the same issues.

There are some cases of where the desire is there mentally after TRT treatment, but the plumbing still just won't work. It's in these cases (like my own) that Cialis helps to "make it work." I would venture to say that if absolutely necessary, you can resort to Caverject or Trimix, (both of which I have used before finally getting on the daily dose of Cialis) if you really need it. That said, make sure you aren't facing a mental issue here.

A low dose of cialis every day would work.

I'm on 2.5mg daily now from my current doc, and it does help both with prostate issues and performance.

Above all, talk with your doctor and get him to work with you and treat you as a person and not treat the problem. If he won't work with you, find someone else. It's your life after all.
I guy I know used the caverject and his erection would not go away. He had to go to the ER fully erect and tell them and they gave him some antidote. Im glad that wasnt me, that would really suck sitting there with fully erect penis in the waiting room , then walking around,
I guy I know used the caverject and his erection would not go away. He had to go to the ER fully erect and tell them and they gave him some antidote. Im glad that wasnt me, that would really suck sitting there with fully erect penis in the waiting room , then walking around,

There is no Antidote lol, they inject your dick and drain it! lmao