Typical gains/results when on dbol?

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What have been your typical gains/results when you use dbol? I've used it before, but I never really gained from it, got nausea, couldn't eat, etc. I'm trying it again, and this time, I'm not getting the bad sides like I did before. I've only been using it for a few days, and I think it is starting to work for me. I feel like I look and feel a little fuller already, but it's so soon I'm wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me.
Nope ur eyes are fine bro, i see dbol gains within days as well , and im sure most folks do as well, just becarefull and drink loads and laods of water or ur lower back will ache and cramp real bad, i had to discontinue use because the pumps were so painful and mostly cause the lower back was so pumped from just walking up the stairs it was rediculous
Awesome! It's interesting because this time, I'm hungry, I feel better, and I feel bigger. That's what always happened to me with abombs, but never dbol. This dbol is a lot better. Can't wait to do legs tonight, should be fun.
its the d-bol! When i would do bi's my arms would be sooooo pumped, the definition in my bi's would go away, lol
I've had my best results taking 40 mg 2 hours before I work out. Very few sides and great results. Opinions vary on when to dose and how much, but this works great for me.
What have been your typical gains/results when you use dbol? I've used it before, but I never really gained from it, got nausea, couldn't eat, etc. I'm trying it again, and this time, I'm not getting the bad sides like I did before. I've only been using it for a few days, and I think it is starting to work for me. I feel like I look and feel a little fuller already, but it's so soon I'm wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me.

You should be gaining weight very quickly with dbol. Dbol is king in my book for quick mass. If you didnt gain from it last time then it was some bunk. And if you cant tell by the scale in the first week now, then you might have some more bunk and crappy pills. Seriously I have never heard of anyone wondering if the dbol they was using was any good if they did have legit stuff, they knew right off the bat. Hell i just started taking dbol now and in 10 days gained 11lbs.
Well, after doing legs last night, I can definitely say I'm gaining. My legs still look large and pumped.
dbol never impressed me much. Ive tried it twice and it kills my appetite, some days rather dramatically. Im starting anadrol for the first time (tonight actually) and hopefully it will be my oral bulker. Im hoping I respond to it how you did saud. I notice most guys are one or the other when it comes to dbol and anadrol. One they love, one they hate.
Yep. I'm trying to drink more water. That's the hard part because I'm not used to it. Gaining strength in my lifts, feel and look a little thicker.
i myself have never gotten the WOW effect from d-bol , but i plan on trying some liquid, so hopefully this goes alittle better for me. i could imagine that maybe that my receptors might not have been totally clear to get the WOW.

ill keep you posted
I put on about 2 pounds a week,and a few pounds of Zits haha.

That is not a whole lot of weight per week to add when using dianabol in my opinion!

I know this thread is older, but i wanted to ressurect it and get some of your more recent opinions on your dbol results, reviews and how you cycled and how long , dosage etc..

I use to eat pink thai dbol like candy, lol, I actually filled up a pez dispenser with them when i was a young dumb ass in my 20's lol, now im just an older dumb ass i guess lol

anyhow, lets hear your dbol results
The first time I used dbol I did not drink enough water. I would wake up in the middle of the night with severe a contractions that would last for a minute or so. It was extremely painful.
same here man, it was always my left lower side back in pain for some reason, but i knew right away it was a result of dbol lol. but the gains were good lol
I feel and see dbol so fast, if you're running high quality dbol, watch out! Strength, pumps and size are insane. After running blue hearts I'll never run anything else ever again!

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Dbol (Methandrostenolone) is the most powerful bulking oral anabolic steroids after anadrol. Dianabol is also one of the most popular steroids known