Up date on where i sit right now


Hardly a Newbie
Well as alot of you know, i had an abrupt end to my cycle. I am still on my HCG i have one week left. my blood test came back normal. I get another one in a week, to see if my test came back up when im off the HCG.

I have lost 5 lbs and am now down to 235. I am feeling good, im actuly getting stronger, my bench went up 5 lbs in teh last week. I am still doing rehab on my back, lower back 2 times a week, will own you.

My doc is cleaning up my diet alot, only 2 junk food things a week, more rice, more red meat, only fruit with protein. I feel that im losing some bf and im not doing cardio right now, since im trying to put weight on.

I hope to heal the broken vetbra with in the next 6 months. Through my pause squats, the doc thinks it will heal.

Sounds great FBCat. Glad you're on the mend.
Better stay away from that buffet and those cream-puffs. :D