Wawryk's Biceps

Ox 51

Musclechemistry Guru


Canadian champ Vincent Wawryk on building bi’s.

February 10, 2011

For the longest time the Canadian Championships were not much of a proving ground for IFBB Pro League success. For eleven years after Claude Groulx took the title in 1994, no overall winner was capable of making a dent in the pros. Many didn’t even try. But that all changed with Fouad Abiad in 2006, followed by Ben Pakulski in 2008. Sandwiched in between was Vincent Wawryk won took the Canadian overall in 2007 as a middleweight. Last year, at age 41, this father of four placed fourth in the New York Pro 202. Two key reasons why were his left and right biceps, so we got Wawryk to serve up a typical biceps routine and dish his favorite bi training tips.


“I typically keep my reps at 10, but I increase the weight for each set of each exercise.”

“Machine preachers are done on a plate-loaded Strive machine.”

“My final set of concentration curls is a drop set with two drops.”

“For a long time I trained bi’s with tri’s together, but I now hit bi’s immediately after working back, once a week.”

<TABLE class=exercise><THEAD><TR><TD colSpan=4>WAWRYK’S BICEPS ROUTINE

</TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR><TH>EXERCISE </TH><TH>SETS </TH><TH>REPS </TH></TR><TR class=even><TD>EZ-bar curls </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Machine preacher curls </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR class=even><TD>Alternate dumbbell curls </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD>Concentration curls </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>10 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>