WeirdAl's pics

I can definately see a difference from the earlier pics, like everyone else said, awesome back. You're making some really good progress.
Lets see some pics with the apron! LOL :D
Presser said:
ur back looks awsome bro, maybe tan up a little though
I know.. I was just about to say that.. Hell of a spread and taper.. If you can get to the point of shredded.. Your gonig to look awsome!
Badgermoon said:
I can definately see a difference from the earlier pics, like everyone else said, awesome back. You're making some really good progress.
Lets see some pics with the apron! LOL :D

Thanks! I'm about the same weight (195) as the earlier pics... I was actually down 5 lbs from the earlier pics on thanksgiving, and have gained about 3 lbs since then (have increased my carb intake).
basskiller said:

I know.. I was just about to say that.. Hell of a spread and taper.. If you can get to the point of shredded.. Your gonig to look awsome!

Thanks! I had my body fat tested at 13.6% less than 2 weeks ago. The lowest it's ever been was ~10% @ 175 lbs about a year ago (down from ~50% less than a year before). I'm thinking the low natural test levels have hindered me getting any lower to this point.
dude, you have serious potential!! great frame to work with!!
keep working hard, its paying off for you!!

great work!

Thanks o2! I've always thought I had a pretty good frame - makes me really regret not doing anything with it for so long, but that just means I need to work that much harder now that I've figured out what I want! And if I ever get as ripped as you are, that'll be something! :D
can definatly see some improvement on the front.stay focused on that far as the back goes i had to do a double take,it looked like a different body.very nice.the leg pic was to dark to tell.
keep up the excellent work!
more pics - rear spread

Ok, posting more pics. I don't see much difference, but let me know what you guys think. Now I'm around 208lbs (up from 193 in last). Sure doesn't look to me like I've gained 15 lbs.


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rear double bi


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front spread


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front double bi


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Looking good, bro. Deadlifts look like they're really stacking on the thickness in your back and traps.....
Looking Good. You are on Test replacement right? And the dose is 200 mg of cyp every 2 weeks? I think I may need to start doing that. Post cycle for a month or so just to keep gains and give my nat. test time to come back.