What type of gear do you prefer??

Which Type Of Gear Do You Use??

  • Human Grade (Upjohn, organon, etc)

    Votes: 27 37.5%
  • Vet Grade (QV, Tornel, etc)

    Votes: 13 18.1%
  • Underground Labs (IP, Proline, etc)

    Votes: 19 26.4%
  • Home Made Gear (I am a MAD CHEMIST.....)

    Votes: 13 18.1%

  • Total voters
I'd rather have human than vet, but I have to look at cost as well as concentration, I can't get 300mg/ml Deca in human grade and that stuff is expensive as it is.

I do the homebrew thing when I can find it, its definately the cheapest and you can make it as strong as you need.

But mostly I get the QV stuff and moo alot :)
What Type Of Gear Do You Use?

Going strctly human grade would be great if it didn't take so much volume to get to the dosage. I mean we're not using it for therapy. So vet and underground will get you there and especially when you consider some of the very high potencies the most reliable underground people are listing. You know who they are. Otherwise, congratulations to all who take the time and trouble to make their own.
just got the best vet gear I have had

the last batch - mexipharm was excellent - however just got some syd group cyp and it is as good and better - its thinner so it shoots easier and there is no pain whatsoever on injection or afterwards. this is nice.
I've tried them all.and like has already been said pretty much whats available at the time.I never met a steroid I didn't like.
Any of the options will work but I'd still have to go with human grade. There are too many questions about the accuracy of potencies with the so-called "vet" labels. When it comes to underground supply, I've had some good luck but I've also had to deal with some inflamation, swelling and soreness not characteristic of the previous choices. If you're making it yourself, well, better know what you're doing. You're in charge. But I don't use monster stacks due ot old age. So I guess my preferences wouldn't be without reservation.
British Dragon no if ans or buts about it there the best i have ever had...other than that its all human as well..i dont like to many UGs to many bath tub brewers if you ask me..there are a few though i trust
Like and trusted QV. Can't beat the bang for the buck. Havent seen it around
lately. I'd be worried about slaming bacteria in my ass w/home brew (even if
i made it myself)
mcgaret said:
Like and trusted QV. Can't beat the bang for the buck. Havent seen it around
lately. I'd be worried about slaming bacteria in my ass w/home brew (even if
i made it myself)

They were one of the companies shut down during that big bust in Mexico.
Using organon now. I feel really good about it too. By weeks end I'll be switching to a ug lab and while I'm looking forward to injecting only 1ml of oil as opposed to 5ml(because I'm using shitty redi-jects), I'm quite nervous about how safe the ug labs gear is.

If money wasn't a prob, there would be no reason why anyone would ever want to use anything but human grade
Human grade is great but there's A LOT of fake human grade out there...I liked the sust-a-ton amps, they were overfilled, you got an amp and a half in
every amp and it was the real deal, priced good, but now too risky to purchase....didn't care for the eq from the same guy though
My opinion now is that homebrew is the way to go. That is if you do it correctly.Its safer to order powders and its much more easier on the wallet as well.
I'm on a script so.....

I am on atleast 200mg week of Test Cyp year round.....I have used vet grade in the past with no problems. When the insurance will cover me for $25 a vial....why not! Still occasionally get UG sustaplex as reserve stock from time to time though!