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    Mubarak's Calf Training

    Yea calves are the one muscle that I believe you are least able to build if you don't have great calves genetically. My evidence is pros with great builds all over except their calves.
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    maybe best cycle yet...

    Yea. Only doing one ml of cyp and susp EOD
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    maybe best cycle yet...

    So been on a turinabol and test susp/cyp run for about 4 to 5 weeks now and results are great. Results only being measured in looks. Constant full and pumped look without any other supplements, peptides, etc. Maybe I should have started suspension long ago. And turanibol was not harsh at all...
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    Branch Warren post surgery leg pic

    Damn. Swollen much!
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    Mubarak's Calf Training

    All inside head. Mine have the same problem
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    Dusty Hanshaw at 276lb

    Agreed. He must stay lean year round
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    My hammerstrength yesterday

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    Average Penis Length Erect & Flacid

    if you fall out of your truck, you're compensating for something
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    carnival, they are the only ones who travel out of galveston apparently.
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    Durg testing for WELFARE !!!

    heaven forbid we offend the laziest most worthless people in our society.
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    oximega greens

    other brands have it. none of them taste that good. they recommend mixing in something like apple juice and thats a good suggestion.
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    Liberatore's Tri's

    thats alot of volume, but seems to work for him.
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    numbness and tingles related to winny?

    unless you are using it inj in the lower body, I dont think its related to the winny,
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    Eating before going to sleep will make you fat ?

    Ive always eaten before going to sleep. Starving all night just seemed like a bad option for keeping muscle.
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    The half life of TNE or suspension ?

    Ive only used the TNE, but there was no pain like everyone says there is with suspension. that alone makes it an easy choice between the two
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    i got one coming up and cant wait! my first one too
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    All I can say is wow

    if you cant beat them, join them
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    Average Penis Length Erect & Flacid

    is there any correlation between "micropenis" and driving very big trucks?
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    Heidi Montag Works Out 14 Hours a Day

    14 hours a day? please! total bullshit. Probably 14 hrs of liposuction and training total in 2 months.