My hammerstrength yesterday


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
4 plates each side for 17 solid reps
5 plates each side for 6 reps, last rep right arm locked out about 2 or 3 seconds after left
I was wondering the same thing. "Arms locked out" means probably bench or shoulder press, I'd think. 5 plates seems like a ton for either of those.
Regular bench on sit down hammerstrength, sorry.. Did just regular weight on incline and flat DB press than mover onto that so it was in the middle of yesterdays routine
So, you've trimmed down 20 pounds and you are still strong as hell. Doing great, Metal.
lol Not 20 yet I was 204 now im staying between 188 and 190 the past few days while I was sick 186.5
But thanks man!!! The cruise is coming so I need to be ready!
I wish we had more hammer strength at my gym, I only get to use 5 machines of theirs, but that seems like a lot of weight (I've never seen this machine)
That's strong! In my early 20's I could do 5 plates a side and a 25lb hanging from the handle for 15. Now I couldn't budge that. I do love the Hammer Strength, Strive, and new Nautilus machines.
Thanks guys, it was bc the guy I told u about that breaks everyones balls came up to me when I was on 4 plates on each side and when I got to 10 he was like 2 more, so than I did 2 more but kept going and he was sayin 1 more just to get 15 so I had to pass that lol. Than he said I bet u can do 8 reps with 5 plates but bc I did so many with the 4 on each side it was pretty hard to do the 6 lol
lol I prolly could have gotten 8 if I didnt do the 17 on the previous set
Yea, I've never really noticed that until he said that, but it does look like you have longer arms. Not freakishly long, but long enough to hinder certain movements where as I have short arms and it helps me out on bench and hurts on deads
oops, i wasn't paying attention and thought this was nuknuk's bad lol

Metal still has longer arms than me, I don't think it's like a drastic difference, but it could also be the height difference between us since I'm only 5'8" and everyone's limbs are longer than mine lol