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  1. B

    Looking down at guys...

    I get this feeling sometimes, but I just ignore the fools and do the best I can. I'm barely 180lbs right now and most of the guys are bigger than me so no need to prove it to me. I have eyes. lol.
  2. B

    Do you Lend Friends Money?

    No, I don't have any friends. lol. Sort of kidding, but I would rather give the money to someone with no expectation to get it back then come to an agreement about a loan. Like tripwire said I would only give the money I can afford to lose.
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    Anybody wished they would have stayed natural?

    Its a toss up for me...Through the course I gained a lot of knowledge about bodybuilding and created a build that I have pretty much kept despite not working out seriously for a few years. No regrets really although I should have waited a few more years. I said this before, but I probably will...
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    Super DMZ??

    I take mine in the morning with the rest of my supplements, and ECA. I normally workout around 4-5pm. Not sure if its ideal, but seems to work okay for me.
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    hahahahahaha oh my fuck

    funny...but true. lol.
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    Workout Videos

    funny...but true. lol.
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    working nights can i still grow?

    Sometimes working nights affords you to train at less busy times and eat better during the day. I worked night shifts about 4 months out of the year at a old job. Sucks, but you get used to it.
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    working nights can i still grow?

    I would imagine if you can feel the change then it would affect your body building as well. It may not be a huge set back, but it may throw off your lifting and growth a bit. When I'm really tired my workouts suffer and I just don't lift as heavy as I normally do.
  9. B

    1000mg tren a week?

    Most I ever did was 125mg EOD and that was too much. night sweats and sleep were horrible. Eventually after a few cycles got gyno and couldn't run it anymore. The stuff has got to be toxic and I would never suggest high doses.
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    Cycling Protein Intake

    I only eat around 120g most days. I've been meaning to get up to the 200g per day mark and lower the carbs a bit, but carbs are too good to cut. lol.
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    gyno issues

    Years ago I did many tren cycles and never got any gyno symptoms until one day it just popped up. It got worse over time and years later I'm still dealing with it. It sucks big time. Do what Presser said and get some anti-p's asap.
  12. B

    Insulin syringes

    I always used getpinz. Not sure how their prices compare anymore, but they were always good.
  13. B

    Glute Pain

    Not can get close to a nerve which makes inserting the pin a little more painful than normal, but nothing violent. However, once you inject the oil puts more pressure on the nerve and the pain increases. Afterwords, It feels like its a bruise as well.
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    gyno issues

    Definitely need to add something like nolvadex in there. Anti-aromatese inhibitor like a-dex only stop the conversion into estrogen, but if you are still having estrogen issues then you need to take something to prevent estrogen from binding to receptors like nolva.
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    Glute Pain

    Probably hit a nerve...did your leg/muscle jerk?
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    Exercised Induced Asthma

    I used to have asthma pretty bad and stuff like ephedrine help, but when having an asthma attack only albuterol really helped me immediately. You know clenbuterol is part of the same family of medicine as albuterol except its taken orally. I'm not sure what the dose would be for asthma but its...
  17. B

    Super DMZ??

    I would say its worth the money. I've only been taking 1 per day the past few weeks so at this rate a bottle would last about 2 months. About 50 bucks for 2 month cycle of this stuff is pretty darn cheap and to actually get some results taking this low of a dose is a good deal I think.
  18. B

    Super DMZ??

    I'm like 95% better from being sick for like 2 weeks, but still have a lingering cough, sinus issues so my training has been a bit half assed. I was very surprised after not working out hard for 2 weeks to find my strength has slightly increased during my chest and back workouts this week. Feel...
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    Slept for 14 hours yesterday til today

    The IRS screwed me out of 5k last year. Couldn't get my damn ex-wife to sign the damn tax forms from when we were married and ended up having to file single instead of married. At least I'm done with all my past shit now.
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    Keurig coffee makers...

    I was looking at the keurig's, but ended up going with "The Scoop" by Huntington Beach. It's a single serve coffee machine where you put your own coffee in it. I think most of the K-cups taste artificial or perhaps just low grade coffee. Not sure which. lol. Plus the k-cups create a huge amount...