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  1. T

    Question for the gear chemist

    th e chemist sais he added too much preservative in the mix--oh well--guess i,ll just toss it
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    Question for the gear chemist

    they sent out its replacement and said to throw the other away--just hate to throw it out
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    Question for the gear chemist

    a lab sent me 400 mg test cyp--they called and said don,t use it cause the batch they made wasn,t good-they mistakenly added too much 'preservant?'--any way--the vial showed up and in it was a heavy jell like substance--just hate to throw it away--can anything be done with it?
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    Finally the rest showed up

    ok--i,m not afraid to ask--what is drytest?
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    Question about Standing Milatarys

    good to know--i wasn't aware that by standing you could hurt your back--i can see that now- also--why would you get more out of the exercise by sitting? vs standing.
  6. T

    Injecting and missing the muscle..,

    lets say you inject in the quads or glutes and for some reason u miss the muscle completely without knowing it--what will happen with the gear?--will it still be effective?
  7. T

    What kind of protein does everyone use?

    'All the whey' protein works best for me--it is smooth,mixes easy but most important it is COMPLETELY TASTELESS--so I can mix it with grape juice and down it after my workout and get my carbs and protein all in 1 drink.
  8. T

    How often do you take a break from the gym

    In the last 2 yrs I haven,t gone more than 1 week and when I did I felt real small--I find that being 50 yrs old I need to keep right on it --otherwise I feel small right away
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    TUGS - This one's for you, bro....

    Skip,I d not have access to the book you mentioned,if you could paste it here that would be great---and I don,t really want to go back and forth on this--but its hards to believe that when a doctor,who has read your blood profile and has prescribed medication,even without seeing you,that you can...
  10. T

    Is anyone else up 13 lbs????

    Just because alot of it is water isn't so bad--right? isn't muscle mostly water anyway? When i was stacking heavy with bombs I blew up big time---just couldn,t handle hearing the water sloush around my stomach
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    While 'on',what has been your test levels at?

    What have been some of your test levels while on??Just got back my blood work: test----3,338 etrogen -- 207 everything else normal
  12. T

    why is fina h not good for first time users

    Hearing all this healthy stuff that about fina sides has got me craving another fina cycle..,mmmmmmmmmmmmmn 150 eod--YES!!!
  13. T

    legal, Legit and 100% Gear...,

    Hey Skip,just had a chance to read your reply and i was surprised to hear you anwser the way you did.It remimnded me of hearing people just blurt out comments like"hey,gear is BAD for you,I hear you'll become a roid manic from it,bla bla bla"pure conjecture.Comments made without any evidence...
  14. T

    Joined gym again today after couple months off???when to use aas?

    while I was on a test/fina cycle I threw in anadrol,50 mgs ed(paperdrol) it made me alittle uneasy--but I blew up so much--started really adding weight to my deads--my arms were stuck at 18" for a long time-I swear ,the anandrol was so responsible for them getting to 18 1/4"--lol.
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    legal, Legit and 100% Gear...,

    Just keep in mind that these places are in buisness to sell test--15 bottles of test for 1 cycle is moderate--what makes you think this is too good to be true?What amounts would you order for a good test cycle? And remember this--its 100% U S pharmacy made test. Not bad.
  16. T

    Joined gym again today after couple months off???when to use aas?

    Thats a good question--my first thought would be to start immediatly--me ,i,d load up on a fina test cycle--150 fina eod and 1.5 g of test cyp(cutting the test down to 1 g after the first wk)just to get it starting to saturate in my system while i got stronger in the gym--then it would come...
  17. T

    legal, Legit and 100% Gear...,

    If they couldn't provide for a 1g wkly they would be out of buisness in a heart beat.When in doubt--check it out.
  18. T

    Are there any down falls to taking arimidex ? for example...,

    On a 1gwkly long test cycle and your taking arimidex 1g eod what are the downfalls? is this too much?
  19. T

    legal, Legit and 100% Gear...,

    Take a look at a typical ad in the back of the many bb mags --HORMONE AND TESTOSTRONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY CLINIC..., they are for real.I,m not promoting any of them,just promoting a way to be safe in all areas.heres how it works and what it costs; You need to send blood work to them,if you...