How often do you take a break from the gym

mark mcgwire

New member
I try to take a week off from the gym every few months. It's gives my body a rest, my mind time to clear up, and makes me come back in more focused.

I tried to get on a schedule taking one week every 8 weeks but I couldn't stick to it.

Sometimes I even come back with stronger lifts then I left with.
I realize that taking a week off would do my body some good... but it is just to hard for me to follow through with it. Yeah, I think I'm addicted as well. It's one of the few things that I really do enjoy.
I take 2 months off after a show. Of course, I usually don't have a choice because I get so damned sick but none-the-less I have it scheduled in there anyway.

I used to take Sept -Jam of every year ( hunting season here) I felt like crap when I went back into the gym but NO aches or pains! Now I usually take 2-3 weeks off a year, and the end of the summer. Ya gotta rest!
I try to take a week every 8 weeks or so, but I often forget to! (of course you already know that!)

I take a few days off when I feel I need it. It goes in streaks. I don't think I've taken a day off for almost 2 years then I took 2 off before my wedding and will probably take another week off soon. I've been feeling some tendon pain.
I took 11 days off over this past Xmas but was dying to get back into the gym!! I will take time off If I feel an injury coming on,or at the very least leave out the body part that is hurting for a week or 2.

I used to take one week off every 3 I get a ton of R&R, since I can only hit the gym on the weekend for the next 4 wks:angry:
I usually take 3 months off starting in the middle of the summer. i drop maybe 5-7 lbs but I come back within 1.5 months of starting back up and make gains above where I left off.
sweatmachine said:
I used to take Sept -Jam of every year ( hunting season here) I felt like crap when I went back into the gym but NO aches or pains!

I do same SM and yes feel like crap but lets body heal from heavy weights and I feel refreshed after a few weeks and not burnt-out.
In the last 2 yrs I haven,t gone more than 1 week and when I did I felt real small--I find that being 50 yrs old I need to keep right on it --otherwise I feel small right away