Is anyone else up 13 lbs????


New member
Yesterday was the beginning of week 4 and I am up 13lbs. I'm sure it is a lot of water retention from the dbol. Anyway, I'm up 13 lbs and it feels good.
I just finished my M1T Cycle and gained a total of 16 LBS. Being Off Cycle Sucks!

I'm up more than that and I'm not on a cycle. That christmas diet really packed on the pounds. Nothing like Christmas cookies and egg nog.:D
saturn said:
I'm up more than that and I'm not on a cycle. That christmas diet really packed on the pounds. Nothing like Christmas cookies and egg nog.:D

when are you going to open that "I don't have any abs club"?

can I sign up? :arcade:
GetnBigr said:
when are you going to open that "I don't have any abs club"?

can I sign up? :arcade:

The club is open....You are free to join. Our next meeting is "feeling good about love handles". Stop by it should be fun.
Just because alot of it is water isn't so bad--right? isn't muscle mostly water anyway? When i was stacking heavy with bombs I blew up big time---just couldn,t handle hearing the water sloush around my stomach
I'm up from 197 to 217 finishing a cycle 2 weeks ago.

Can't wait to hit it again...............just gotta keep the intensity up!
I'm up 15 and I haven't started my cycle yet. I'm on week 5 back to the gym after a year off from an injury. I lost 35 during the year off. Now I have 15 back (with some fat and bloat of course). Starting supplimentation Feb. Should get back to my original weight after that.