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  1. CzarShel

    Light fever, lethargy

    Yeah I took yesterday off and just slept in and did nothing but sleep and eat. got up bout 11 today and I do feel better. Sometimes I start feeling really bad though, usually in the late afternoon around 5pm, and I don't no but sometimes I start feeling really really bad. I just need to adjust...
  2. CzarShel

    Light fever, lethargy

    Anyone else feel like they run a light fever during their cycle? for about a week and a half now I've been running warm along with some mild lethargy. It really sucks, especially since I live in one of the hottest humidity places in the US our heat index is usually around 110 every day...
  3. CzarShel

    tren for site growth?

    I tried Eod site injections of tren in my biceps a few years back and it didnt work
  4. CzarShel

    introducing myself

    Welcome, glad to have you here :wave:
  5. CzarShel

    Seems like a good place to be

    Hey welcome to the MC board man, I've visited allot of other boards too and the people here are by far the coolest and most helpful. You can probably tell that even with a littlie joking around there's allot of respect for each other here at MC anyway glad to have you here feel free to post...
  6. CzarShel

    give me your thoughts/experience

    yeah the gear just seem to help you retain more of the weight you stuff in your mouth :)
  7. CzarShel

    So many injecs, so few places

    I do my Test Eth, EQ in my thighs and lately I've been doing my prop in my calves, the prop always gets sore but once you get walking around its not that bad.
  8. CzarShel

    New Guy Here

    HEY bro welcome to MC!!! I'm always glad to see new cool people join up, I think youll find everyone here is very cool and helpful, anyway, glad to have you :wave:
  9. CzarShel

    Getting Surgery (Microdiscectomy). My advice.

    I poped a disk just after adding some weight to a dead lift and it hurt so incredibly bad I could sont move for about a week, but I was very lucky my injury was mild, I cant even imagine the kind of pain you must be feeling with 2 herniated discs and a pinched nerve, everyone take younggunz88...
  10. CzarShel

    This is funny!

    Yeah I've seen that its funny :D
  11. CzarShel

    good rage

    Uh huh ....ok......I'm saveing up
  12. CzarShel

    good rage

    Damm now I'm cooling down,I dont know weither to throw down some carbs and caffine and keep it going or let it go, load carbs and protein shakes, take a nap and try to get a second burst in later on today. .............................I dont think I'll get that kind of boost again today :(
  13. CzarShel

    good rage

    Really ? see about 9:00 I started yawning and loosing it. but for about 2 hours I was just blasting away at the iron. Anyone else get this with M5AA pre- workout ??? cause if so I'll try it. Because for a good 2 hours I was feeling great and just in the "zone" and that's the workouts I need to...
  14. CzarShel

    good rage

    So I hear all this stuff about the "sense of well being" and good rage that can focused on your weight sets. I started warm ups at 6am then went up to check on some things came back and have been POUNDING the iron the last bench I couldn't make I let down and yelled "FU*CK YOU" and pushed it...
  15. CzarShel

    Dating your freinds sister

    Hmmm, I dated a big pro boxers sister once, she was older and he lived in her house, well I stayed over all the time and he was cool about it but when we finally broke up he was trying to beat my ass he left fist dents in my car. He just could not say anything while his older sister was in love...
  16. CzarShel

    This gets old...

    I like that Saks I just went to the gym to check membership costs and I was by far the biggest guy there, that was nice. It was prolly just this time of morning though
  17. CzarShel

    15min of cardio

    Well there's my15min of cardio and I don't even feel winded at all, I hope that means progress. Now all I have to do is keep up the energy through my sets, I haven't done them in a few days :(
  18. CzarShel

    This gets old...

    I used to spin when I was younger, had a production company, turned into a record label, in 98 I pressed my first vinyl "The Mighty Big Britches EP" I'm listening to some of my old skool mixes right now on DAT
  19. CzarShel

    A typical day in the MC hood...

    BStrongBwell, has been smoking that stuff that makes you day dream I think J/K
  20. CzarShel

    tired and sleepy all day

    I hear allot about lethargy and test compounds, I run high doses and get lethargic, it sucks I try to keep a tight sleep schedule and make it at least 10 hours of good sleep to fully energize for the next day