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  1. CzarShel

    kerry or bush?

    And Clinton puss'd out of Somalia when he should have rolled Abrams tanks and B-52's through there. Now the world (and Iraq) think if you kill a couple of GI's on TV the US will run home crying. The Bush admin's both of them didn't take any shit.
  2. CzarShel

    I need some excellent excues for....

    That's a tough one, the cops came in my house for a look around (don't ask) and they asked about all my bottles (even bottles of gear) and needles vials, next to my supplements. But lucky for me at the time I was working as a dental oratory assistant, I told them most of it had to do with...
  3. CzarShel

    is PEG 400 a good solvent for M1T Powder

    Hey is PEG 400 a good solvent for M1T Powder, I tried Everclear grain alc but it didn't work very well at all. And BA is a good solvent but tastes like a dead dogs butt, even in oil.
  4. CzarShel

    kerry or bush?

    I'm like strider I have a mix of issues on both sided I agree and disagree with, But I have to vote republican because I collect rare and exotic firearms and in order to keep my collection without having to pay crazy registration taxes and stuff since I'm licensed and legal. I wish the job...
  5. CzarShel

    juice and antibiotics

    It depends allot on the type of antibiotic, if its like a Tetracycline antibiotic then yes it will F-up your gear cycle because it inhibits protein synthesis, (the inverse of what gear does) but if it's like amoxcillin you should be ok.
  6. CzarShel

    Another newbie...

    Welcome to the MC Board Bro!
  7. CzarShel

    For People Who Have Done M1t

    Yeah the next time I do M1T, I'll probably cut the dosage in half, or possibly less depending on the stack.
  8. CzarShel

    For People Who Have Done M1t

    When I ran my M1T at 100mg/Day I got great gains, however my nuts shrunk just like, if not worse than a regular AAS cycle, and it gave me a hair trigger attitude. I ran standard PCT afterwards and brought all my natural hormone online, I would recommend standard afterward, HCG,Clomd, Ect and...
  9. CzarShel

    Pink Tai's VS Romanian Napisom's

    Pink Tai's VS Romanian Napisom's For those of you who have tried both which do you concider better, or more potent???? I've tried the Nap's I was just wondering how they compare?
  10. CzarShel

    anyone here a cop?

    Then again I guess I don't hang around the gentlest people. But arrangements like that stop allot of problems from happening. It "Keeps the Peace"
  11. CzarShel

    anyone here a cop?

    In our local group of people, even loosely related friends. Its understood that if someone goes to the cops while that person is in jail with an alibi, there is ALWAYS someone who is not in jail that they dont know, but is going to be involved while your away with an alibi if you get my drift.
  12. CzarShel

    transdermal Fina

    I had a good Transdermal Fina recipe using Isopropyl Myristate (IPM) I was going to make up a batch for a friend who is needle shy I even purchased the Isopropyl Myristate, but after he had me nail his thigh for him a couple of times and realizing its not so bad if its done right, We went with...
  13. CzarShel

    (((((((((Aqua- Clen Half off Special))))))))))

    That is a good price, everyone stock up even if you dont need it now you can get it while the getting's good :D
  14. CzarShel

    What keeps you motivated?

    Motivation is a big problem for me, some mornings I just drink some coffee and listen to some hard music and can pound away at the weights, most days nothing motivates me. I'm a pretty easy going hard to piss off guy so I don't get the infamous roid rage to throw at the weights. I'f I get good...
  15. CzarShel

    MASS-TECH... Help me get big?

    yeah pounds of food = pounds of bodyweight its that simple Then if you want to add weights and roids more of that weight will be muscle, ect. But to add weight you have to eat weight. 6-8 meals a day lots of carbs and protein try to keep your sodium intake low and lots of calories and you...
  16. CzarShel

    Possile Hernia...

    I slammed my 110 pound curl bar 30 times as fast as I could on a dare and almost poped a hernia I felt pain but not quite , (thank god)
  17. CzarShel

    Ouch Prop hurts!

    Yeah maby I'll make it 100mg/ml
  18. CzarShel

    Ouch Prop hurts!

    sounds like a good idea to me, Thanks
  19. CzarShel

    tren at the end!?

    I had to keep drilling holes in my belts with a hand drill too keep my pants up.