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  1. M

    2010 cycles

    Thinking about sust at 600-750mg (not sure on dosage yet) for 16 weeks...with some tren around weeks 10-16. Maybe a little jumpstart of t-bol and prop.
  2. M

    How much prop would you frontload and how long

    I am the same way when running sust....very impatient. I usually run 100mg of prop EOD for the first 2 or 3 weeks to kick things off quickly.
  3. M

    How much is TOO much (exercise)

    5 days a week, 2 hrs a day I have however noticed that I cant seem to gain any more weight... I have been at 235 for a bout a month now. I suspect excessive training may be the cause and it was recommended to me that I reduce my training days to 3 instead of 5
  4. M

    How intense do you train?

    I would say I train at a 10... 5 days a week 2 hrs a day If your not going to train at 100% whats the point? Granted I have the occasional day that I'm just not feeling it.... but nothing a little caffeine cant fix.
  5. M

    Whole eggs... Good/BAD

    I usually put 4 raw egg whites in each of my protein shakes throughout the day.
  6. M

    test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

    ok so based on what ive heard its going to look like this... weeks 1-15 test e @ 500mg/week -- tren e @ 400mg/week weeks 4-9 winny tabs @ 60mg/day weeks 15-17 test prop @ 100mg/eod When would be a good time to start running bromo and adex?
  7. M

    test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

    thanks for the input guys...i will throw the winny in the beginning flex i got ur pm...thanks i just wonder if there is anyone with some experience with the tren enan that could tell me if it kicks in rite away or if it takes 4 or 5 weeks like the test enan. this will help me determine when i...
  8. M

    test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

    So are you saying that the tren enanthate will kick in rite away? The only reason I had the tbol in there was for that reason to front load while the test e and tren e build up. But I will scratch it if that's the I said this will be my first time with tren.
  9. M

    test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

    Thanks presser.... I will include them. Should I take them throught the cycle or wait til week 4 or so when everything kicks in?
  10. M

    test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

    I was thinking that but I figured I would throw in the winny when the longer estered ttest and tren are fully kicked in. What about the tbol....scratch it or take with winny or throw in the end?
  11. M

    test/tren -summer cycle... thoughts?

    This will be my 3rd cycle but the first time using tren. weeks 1-15 test e @ 500mg/week -- tren e @ 400mg/week weeks 1-5 t-bol @ 50 mg/day -- test p 100mg/eod weeks 12-17 winny tabs @ 60mg/day weeks 15-17 test prop @ 100mg/eod pct will be nolva 20mg ed for 4 weeks This is what...