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  1. S

    How do you use cabaser?

    Yep same dose 500mcg every 3 days.Progesterone is the bad guy that is why deca or tren is bad for me,well deca is way worse.
  2. S

    HGH and Joint Pain

    You could just lower it for a week then up it by 1 ui a week to help.Many people fine that a high cab diet makes it worst for joint pain.
  3. S

    HGH and Joint Pain

    You should always start low dose then work your way up.Man the wrist pain is worse at night,not a great feeling,what type of GH are you on.
  4. S

    Anyone ever have sides when they started hcg after a cycle?

    Shit everytime i do a shot of hcg my stomach feel like shit(morning sickness).But it goes away after a few day.Many people i have talk with in the gym feel the same way about there stomach,plus i can't sleep good on the stuff.
  5. S

    How do you use cabaser?

    500mcg every 3 days.
  6. S

    Deca or eq

    I like eq more,and with Deca i get gyno(progesterone) and need Bromo.
  7. S

    Pain meds to continue...

    Many years back i was taking pain meds all the time advil,tylenol 3.Now when i have pain i go get a massage since i have stomach problem so i can't take them as i over did them for year.But for injurys i like 2ui of GH great for joint pain.
  8. S

    Body fortress protein powder.

    Ya six star is good.But i have tried some bad shit over the years haha.
  9. S

    tightning up diet

    Ya will be on a diet jan/ 2 /2009.
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    Test.prolongatum- 100mg

    Its good stuff not faked last i heard so at least it real.
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    post cycle depression

    The best thing for this is a good pct protocol.Estrogen is bad for the blue leads to depression,i don't want to cry anymore after a cycle,and i haven't since i do this PCT down below,best of luck! 2500-5000ui shot of hcg 2 shot every 5 day 100mg ed of clomid for 25 days Next take 20-40mg ed...
  12. S

    anyone working out anymore

    Ya i went Friday and today.Will go tuesday but its hard with the holidays.
  13. S

    Quick Introduction

    Great to have you here Chris.
  14. S

    oil based winny vs water base

    Me and a few guys at the gym are the same,faking major sore and red for a few days.
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    Deadlift Variations - Straight Legged , Romanian , Sumo

    I do deadlifts with shoulder width.If your feet are to close you shift more stress to the knee not good for the tendons.The movement in a compound exersice to many people worry about angles to build up weak area on the muscle,over rated.Compound exersice hits the whole muscle.Sumo put more...
  16. S

    Skull crushers / nose breakers replaced

    Ya just don't do 165 pounds with Skulls that is the weight my friend did with bad form. I did a 35-45 on each side with the e-z curl bar more than enough for me.
  17. S

    This is really going to hurt !!!!

    See how you do on your diet for the first 3 weeks,then as time goes on you might what to cut out the bread once you can't lose anymore weight.You might what to keep this log going so as time goes on we can cut the refine carbs out. Cheat day i had Breakfast or lunch.
  18. S

    This is really going to hurt !!!!

    Will you be doing any cardio? What about fat burners? Cheat meals once a week.
  19. S

    Skull crushers / nose breakers replaced

    I did it with a e-z curl bar,buT once my training partner torn his triceps i stop it,but he did partial very bad.If you use moderate weight with strick form its a great mass builder.
  20. S

    The latest BAD news on my knees torn acl and miniscus.....

    Sorry to here the bad new bro,keep at the gh,and good friend of mine said it helped him out big time.Great that you have a health plan.