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  1. viciouscycle

    An Old Friend of Mine was Killed last week.

    Sorry for your loss, he sounded like a stand up guy.
  2. viciouscycle

    Messed up conversion need help ASAP

    Thanks! I just throw whatever in. I measure out how much oil I need in the beaker.
  3. viciouscycle

    Messed up conversion need help ASAP

    It's going to be painful if you leave it the way it is. If you add the other 20 mg and make a total of 400ml ( which is what it would be with 100grams) the concentration will be 175mg/ml. And will still be 2% & 20%
  4. viciouscycle

    Urgent help needed!!

    Eat as clean as possible, no fast food, processed foods,soda or junk! Give yourself a cheat meat to eat what you crave once a week,but stay in your calorie range. It will take a little while but you will get there and feel better about yourself for accomplishing it naturally! My wife followed...
  5. viciouscycle

    Urgent help needed!!

    First off welcome to the forum. At your age I would recommend against clen and anavar. the best thing you can do is get your diet in check. To loose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. you'll need to keep track of you calories and exercise at least 3-4 times a week. For your...
  6. viciouscycle

    nascar cali bets

    Almost had it!! He is one to watch for sure, the kid has talent. Thanks for the credits!!
  7. viciouscycle

    nascar cali bets

    Kyle Larson 200 credits
  8. viciouscycle


    Welcome bro!! How much do you weigh? I definitely 2nd what Presser, eat, and then eat some more! your natural test lvls at your age are pretty high and should give you substantial growth as long as you eat enough to fuel it. You are way to young to consider any aas.
  9. viciouscycle

    Syringe filter

    I use whatman PVDF .45 and never had any issues, .45 is way easier to filter then .22 and I'm pretty sure they're good for 100ml before they need to be changed.
  10. viciouscycle

    Test Cypionate questions

    Are you injecting once or twice a week. I find twice a week works better to keep a constant hormone level and avoids the roller coaster of highs and may want to try a cycle of 500mg per week. After my 1st cycle my libido went through the roof even after I went back to my trt dose of...
  11. viciouscycle

    Weight lose tips.

    Best way I know of to lose weight is to eat clean and be in a calorie deficit.and of course workout!
  12. viciouscycle

    Cyto Burn and Aqua Burn protocol...

    I'm on week 5 of a cyto/aqua run. I ramped aqua starting at 20mcg on day1, then 40 mcg day 2 ect..increasing 20 mcg/day until I reached 120 mcg. I've been doing 2 on 2 off and let me tell you when you come back on at 120 mcg, you know it!! I felt like I was on crack for the first few days! It is...
  13. viciouscycle

    New on musclechemestry

  14. viciouscycle

    Test results of raws Legend Pharm TA,TD,TE.

    Saw on another forum they explained it. "The purity of there product is higher then the standard samples used to test against".which to me sounds like the sample could be anything...say 50% pure and if there's is 60% pure it would test over 100%. It sounds like a bullshit test to me.
  15. viciouscycle

    First Brew

    Sterilize with isopropyl alcohol 70% or higher.benzyl will keep bacteria from growing, but won't sterilize.
  16. viciouscycle

    2 Years and Still Going Strong at 42

    Looking good bro! I'm about to turn 41 and have been back to lifting full time for about 1 1/2years after taking about 4 years off. I was the same, I had become disgusted with how I looked and recently got put on trt. Life is good now and I am in the best shape I have ever been in.
  17. viciouscycle

    EQ 1000mg/ml No pussies allowed

    Yeah I've seen that site. I've heard eq is pretty smooth at even that high of a concentration.
  18. viciouscycle

    Blood test on Muscle Depot gear

    I had just started taking them 3 days prior. I'm going to do another test in a couple weeks to make sure my e2 is in check, I'll have a cholesterol panel done then. Thanks!
  19. viciouscycle

    Blood test on Muscle Depot gear

    I'm gonna be doing a 20 week test/ eq cycle in the summer. I might even throw some tren in at the end!! if you liver has had some issues I would probably go with var or skip orals all together.